
Promote writing Zsh software not simple scripts

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Zsh 100 Commits Club

Plugins evaluated at July 11th, 2019

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There are so many plugins on the great awesome-zsh-plugins page that it makes sense to filter them out and also to score them. The plugins below contain 50 or more commits and are evaluated by an automatic script in order to detect:

  • ones with 100 or more commits
  • active ones
  • very active ones
  • maintained ones
  • ones having an ongoing research & development

Just take a look at the iconography. It's intuitive and easy to memorize. In minutes you'll be able to grep interesting plugins with your eyes!


Devoted time and work detection

πŸ₯ˆ - has 50 or more commits (unused – that's the entry to the list boundary)
πŸ₯‡ - has 100 or more commits

Progress detection

🚢- slow/moderate progress: 1 commit in each of last 3 months or 5 commits in total during the 3 last months (90 days)
πŸƒ- fast progress: 3 commits in each of last 3 months or 10 commits in total during the 3 last months

Maintenance detection

βŒ›οΈ- long time no update (updated not in last 3 months, but in last 6 months)
⏳ - updated in last 3 months, active
⏰ - updated in last month and month before it (single new commit will not yield such a strong symbol like the alarm clock; the additional criterion ("month before it") is to take into account only a more constantly attended projects)

Research & development detection

πŸ’Ό - has branches with at least 50 commits in total
πŸ“ˆ – the branches were active 3 times in last 4 months

Plugins (#77)

  • alias-tips πŸ₯‡ - An oh-my-zsh plugin to help remembering those aliases you defined once.
  • allergen : - A collection of custom ZSH plugins to use with antigen.
  • ansiweather πŸ₯‡ ⏳ - Weather in your terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols.
  • anyframe : - A peco/percol/fzf wrapper plugin for ZSH.
  • async πŸ₯‡ ⏳ - Library for running asynchronous tasks in ZSH without requiring any external tools. Allows you to run multiple asynchronous jobs, enforce unique jobs (multiple instances of the same job will not run), flush all currently running jobs and create multiple workers (each with their own jobs).
  • auto-fu.zsh πŸ₯‡ πŸ’Ό - Automatic complete-word and list-choices. Originally incr-0.2.zsh by y.fujii .
  • autoenv-extended : πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - Extended version of the zsh-autoenv plugin.
  • autoenv πŸ₯‡ - If a directory contains a .env file, it will automatically be executed when you cd into it.
  • autojump πŸ₯‡ - A cd command that learns - easily navigate directories from the command line. Install autojump-zsh for best results.
  • autopair : - A ZSH plugin for auto-closing, deleting and skipping over matching delimiters. Only tested on ZSH 5.0.2 or later.
  • autosuggestions πŸ₯‡ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - Fish-like fast/unobtrusive autosuggestions for ZSH.
  • autoswitch-virtualenv πŸ₯‡ πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ ⏳ - ZSH plugin to automatically switch python virtualenvs when traversing directories.
  • base16 πŸ₯‡ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - Adds script to allow you to change your shell's default ANSI colors but most importantly, colors 17 to 21 of your shell's 256 colorspace (if supported by your terminal). This script makes it possible to honor the original bright colors of your shell (e.g. bright green is still green and so on) while providing additional base16 colors to applications such as Vim.
  • blackbox πŸ₯‡ ⏳ πŸ’Ό - Stack Exchange's toolkit for storing keys/credentials securely in a git repository.
  • cmd-architect : - Build commands from what's in history and at prompt, move, delete, add command segments and search history with multi-word queries.
  • czhttpd πŸ₯‡ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏳ - A simple http server written in 99.9% pure ZSH.
  • deer πŸ₯‡ - A file navigator for ZSH heavily inspired by ranger.
  • depot-tools πŸ₯‡ - Simple oh-my-zsh plugin for installing the chromium depot_tools. Installing this plugin will put all of the chromium depot_tools in your path automatically.
  • diractions πŸ₯‡ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏳ - Allow you to map a short logical/mnemonic name to directories to quickly access them, or perform actions in them.
  • directory-history : - A per directory history for ZSH.
  • dirrc : πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - Executes .dirc when present in a directory you cd into.
  • docker-aliases : Docker aliases for everyday use.
  • dwim : - zsh-dwim attempts to predict what you will want to do next. It provides a key binding (control-u) that will replace the current (or previous) command line with the command you will want to run next.
  • editing-workbench : - Adds sane, complex command line editing (e.g. incremental history word completion).
  • elixir : βŒ› - Adds shortcuts for Elixir, IEX, Mix, Kiex and Phoenix.
  • enhancd πŸ₯‡ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏳ - A simple tool that provides enhanced cd command.
  • explain-shell : πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - Opens commands on explainshell.com.
  • fast-syntax-highlighting πŸ₯‡ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ πŸ’Ό - Optimized and improved zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting – better response times, switchable highlight themes.
  • forgit πŸ₯‡ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - Utility tool for git which takes advantage of fuzzy finder fzf.
  • functional : - ZSH higher order functions.
  • fz : βŒ› - Seamlessly adds fuzzy search to z's tab completion and lets you easily jump around among your historical directories.
  • fzf-marks : - Little script to create, navigate and delete bookmarks in bash and zsh, using the fuzzy finder fzf.
  • fzf-widgets πŸ₯‡ - Adds some ZLE widgets for fzf.
  • fzf-z : ⏳ - Brings together the z plugin and fzf to allow you to easily browse recently used directories at any point on the command line.
  • git-aliases.zsh : - Creates a lot of useful aliases for combinations of commonly used git commands.
  • git-extra-commands πŸ₯‡ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - Extra git helper scripts packaged as a plugin.
  • git-it-on : βŒ› - Adds ability to open a folder in your current branch on GitHub.
  • git-secret πŸ₯‡ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏳ πŸ’Ό πŸ“ˆ - A bash-tool to store your private data inside a git repository.
  • gitignore πŸ₯‡ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - Plugin for creating .gitignore files.
  • gitsync : - ZSH plugin to improve workflows for one person developing on the same repository on multiple machines.
  • grep2awk : - ZLE widget to transform grep command into awk command.
  • histdb : πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏳ - Stores your history in an SQLite database.
  • history-search-multi-word πŸ₯‡ ⏳ - syntax highlighted, multi-word history searcher for ZSH, bound to Ctrl-R, with advanced functions (e.g. bump of history entry to top of history).
  • history-substring-search πŸ₯‡ ⏳ - Needs to be loaded after zsh-syntax-highlighting, or they'll both break. You'll also need to bind keys to its functions, details are in the README.md.
  • history-sync : - An Oh My Zsh plugin for GPG encrypted, Internet synchronized ZSH history using git.
  • iterm-touchbar : - Display iTerm2 feedback in the MacbookPro TouchBar (Current directory, git branch & status).
  • jhipster : ⏳ - Adds commands for jHipster.
  • k πŸ₯‡ πŸ’Ό - Directory listings for ZSH with git features.
  • kube-ps1 πŸ₯‡ πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - ZSH plugin for kubectl that adds current context and namespace.
  • kubernetes : ⏳ - Add kubernetes helper functions and aliases.
  • morpho : βŒ› - Terminal screen savers written in pure ZSH, and also screen saver framework.
  • navigation-tools πŸ₯‡ - Adds htop-like kill, directory bookmarks browser, multi-word incremental history searcher and more.
  • nix-shell : ⏳ - Plugin that lets you use ZSH as the default nix-shell shell.
  • notify : - A plugin for ZSH (on macOS and Linux) that posts desktop notifications when a command terminates with a non-zero exit status or when it took more than 30 seconds to complete, if the terminal application is in the background (or the command's terminal tab is inactive).
  • nvm πŸ₯‡ βŒ› πŸ’Ό - ZSH plugin for installing, updating and loading nvm.
  • open-pr : - A ZSH plugin to open pull requests from command line.
  • opp : - Vim's text-objects-ish for ZSH.
  • profile-secrets : πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - Securely keep sensitive variables (api tokens, passwords, etc) as part of your terminal init files. Uses gpg to encrypt/decrypt the file with your secrets.
  • syntax-highlighting πŸ₯‡ πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - Add syntax highlighting to your ZSH. Make sure you load this before zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search or they will both break.
  • sysadmin-util πŸ₯‡ ⏳ - Steve Kemp's collection of tool scripts for sysadmins.
  • system-clipboard : πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - Adds key bindings support for ZLE (Zsh Line Editor) clipboard operations for vi emulation keymaps. It works under Linux, macOS and Android (via Termux).
  • tmux-zsh-vim-titles : - Create unified terminal titles for tmux, ZSH, and Vim/NVIM, modular.
  • tsm : πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏳ - Adds a tmux Session Manager.
  • tumult πŸ₯‡ βŒ› - Adds tools for macOS.
  • vim-mode : βŒ› - Friendly vi-mode bindings, adding basic Emacs keys, incremental search, mode indicators and more.
  • wd πŸ₯‡ βŒ› - Warp directory lets you jump to custom directories in ZSH, without using cd. Why? Because cd seems inefficient when the folder is frequently visited or has a long path.
  • yeoman-zsh-plugin : - Edouard Lopez's Yeoman plugin for oh-my-zsh, compatible with yeoman version β‰₯1.0 (includes options and command auto-completion).
  • you-should-use πŸ₯‡ πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ ⏳ - ZSH plugin that reminds you to use those aliases you defined.
  • z.lua πŸ₯‡ ⏳ - A command line tool which helps you navigate faster by learning your habits. An alternative to z.sh with windows and posix shells support and various improvements.
  • zaw πŸ₯‡ - ZSH anything.el-like widget.
  • zconvey πŸ₯‡ - Adds ability to send commands to other ZSH sessions, you can use this to cd $PWD on all active Z shell sessions, for example.
  • zero πŸ₯‡ βŒ› - Zero's theme & plugin. Has variants for both light and dark terminal backgrounds.
  • zgdbm : - Adds GDBM as a plugin.
  • zredis πŸ₯‡ ⏳ - Adds Redis database support, with database_key <-> shell_variable binding. Supports all data types.
  • zsh-z πŸ₯‡ ⏳ - Jump quickly to directories that you have visited "frecently." A native ZSH port of z.sh - without awk, sed, sort, or date.
  • zshmarks : - A port of Bashmarks (by Todd Werth), a simple command line bookmarking plugin, for oh-my-zsh.
  • ZUI πŸ₯‡ ⏳ - ZSH User Interface library – CGI+DHTML-like rapid TUI application development with ZSH.

Themes (#59)

  • agkozak πŸ₯‡ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏳ πŸ’Ό - Uses three asynchronous methods to keep the ZSH prompt responsive while displaying the git status and indicators of SSH connection, exit codes, and vi mode, along with an abbreviated, PROMPT_DIRTRIM-style path. Very customizable. Asynchronous even on Cygwin and MSYS2.
  • alien-minimal πŸ₯‡ βŒ› - Minimalist ZSH theme with git status displayed.
  • alien πŸ₯‡ ⏳ - Powerline-esque ZSH theme that shows git decorations and the exit code of the last command. Faster than many other prompts because it determines the git decorations asynchronously in a background process.
  • astral : - Theme for dark backgrounds with zen mode.
  • bar : πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏳ - Includes username, host, pwd, git status decorations and 3x hour reminders to drink water.
  • bklyn πŸ₯‡ - Variant of Powerlevel9k with customizations applied.
  • blox : - A minimal and fast ZSH theme that shows you what you need. It consists of blocks: each block is shown inside a pair of [square brackets], and you can add blocks by simply creating a function.
  • bronze πŸ₯‡ βŒ› - A cross-shell customizable powerline-like prompt with icons written in go. Requires nerd-fonts.
  • bullet-train πŸ₯‡ - Inspired by the Powerline Vim plugin. It aims for simplicity, showing information only when it's relevant.
  • chaffee : βŒ› - Based on sorin. Shows the current active versions of Java, Scala, Go, Node, Python and Ruby.
  • clean (BrandonRoehl) πŸ₯‡ βŒ› - A minimalist variant of pure. Pure is not clean, clean is not pure.
  • czsh πŸ₯‡ πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ ⏳ - ZSH with oh-my-zsh and the agnoster theme in a container.
  • dracula πŸ₯‡ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏳ - A dark theme for Atom, Alfred, Chrome DevTools, iTerm 2, Sublime Text, Textmate, Terminal.app, Vim, Xcode, and ZSH.
  • filthy : - A disgustingly clean ZSH prompt.
  • fishy-lite : ⏳ - Fork of the original fishy theme in oh-my-zsh with much of the extraneous stuff cut out to improve load speeds. Includes a battery gauge and git status display that can be enabled on the right-hand side of the prompt.
  • geometry πŸ₯‡ πŸ’Ό πŸ“ˆ - A minimal ZSH theme based on Avit and Pure that displays a lot of git information and is composable and customizable.
  • git-prompt πŸ₯‡ - Displays information about the current git repository. In particular the branch name, difference with remote branch, number of files staged or changed, etc.
  • hyperzsh : βŒ› - Gives you a comprehensive overview of the branch you're working on and the status of your repository without cluttering your terminal.
  • infoline : - Clean theme that shows git status, background jobs, remote host, and other information.
  • itg : - itsthatguy's theme.
  • lambda-pure πŸ₯‡ βŒ› - A minimal ZSH theme, based on Pure, with added NodeJS version.
  • liquidprompt πŸ₯‡ πŸ’Ό - A full-featured & carefully designed adaptive prompt with useful information when you need it. It shows you what you need when you need it. You will notice what changes when it changes, saving time and frustration.
  • minimal2 : βŒ› - A minimal and extensible ZSH theme. Forked from subnixr's original and adapted for Zimfw.
  • minimal : πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - Minimal yet feature-rich theme.
  • newt : - Fat & fast theme – beautiful inside and out, styled segments done right.
  • nox : πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - Dark theme, displays the current working directory and git status.
  • odin : - Odin is a git-flavored ZSH theme.
  • oh-my-git πŸ₯‡ - An opinionated prompt for bash and ZSH.
  • poncho : - RDM's basic oh-my-zsh custom theme.
  • powerless πŸ₯‡ - Tiny & simple pure ZSH prompt inspired by powerline.
  • powerlevel10k πŸ₯‡ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - A fast reimplementation of powerlevel9k ZSH theme.
  • powerlevel9k πŸ₯‡ βŒ› πŸ’Ό πŸ“ˆ - Powerlevel9k is a theme for ZSH which uses Powerline Fonts. It can be used with vanilla ZSH or ZSH frameworks such as Oh-My-Zsh, Prezto, Antigen, and many others.
  • powerline (jeremy) : - Another take on a powerline theme. Nicely configurable, but requires at least a 256 color-capable terminal with a powerline-compatible terminal font.
  • powerline-go πŸ₯‡ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - A beautiful and useful low-latency prompt, written in golang. Includes git and hg status decorations, exit status of the last command run, current Python virtualenv, whether you're in a nix shell, and is easy to extend.
  • powerline-hs πŸ₯‡ βŒ› - A Powerline clone written in Haskell. It is significantly faster than the original implementation, and makes the shell noticeably more responsive.
  • powerline-shell (b-ryan) πŸ₯‡ - Beautiful and useful prompt generator for Bash, ZSH, Fish, and tcsh.
  • powerline-shell (banga) πŸ₯‡ - A powerline-like prompt for Bash, ZSH and Fish. Shows important details about git/svn/hg/fossil branch and is easy to customize/extend.
  • powerline-train : - A powerline variant.
  • prompt_j2 : ⏳ - Has a dynamic exit status indicator, can change to two lines dynamically to display context.
  • pure-agnoster πŸ₯‡ - Mashup of pure and agnoster. Has git decorations and works well with both dark and light terminal backgrounds.
  • pure πŸ₯‡ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt.
  • purien πŸ₯‡ βŒ› - Pretty prompt based on pure prompt, inpired by alien-minimal and filthy.
  • shellder πŸ₯‡ - Minimal theme with git branch display. Requires a powerline font.
  • silver : πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ - A cross-shell customizable powerline-like prompt heavily inspired by Agnoster. A faster rust port of bronze. Requires Nerd Fonts.
  • skeletor-syntax πŸ₯‡ - Theme collection for Atom, Prism and ZSH inspired by Skeletor from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
  • slimline πŸ₯‡ ⏳ - Minimal, fast and elegant ZSH prompt. Displays the right information at the right time.
  • sm : πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏳ A Simplist & Minimalist theme for your favorite terminal.
  • solarized-powerline (KuoE0) : - Solarized powerline variant.
  • spaceship πŸ₯‡ πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ ⏰ πŸ’Ό πŸ“ˆ - Theme with git, nvm, rvm/rbenv/chruby, python, ssh and other useful status indicators.
  • statusline : - A responsive ZSH theme that provides informational segments when you need them.
  • tvline πŸ₯‡ - Derived from agnoster's theme, adds powerline font enhancements.
  • wild-cherry πŸ₯‡ - A fairy-tale inspired theme for ZSH, iTerm 2, Sublime, Atom, & Mou.
  • zero πŸ₯‡ βŒ› - Zero's theme & plugin. Has variants for both light and dark terminal backgrounds.
  • zinc πŸ₯‡ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ ⏳ - A blazing-fast, pure ZSH, mixed asynchronous powerline prompt that's easily extensible and extremely configurable.
  • zwsh πŸ₯‡ ⏳ - A Zpm3/Wordstar mode/theme for ZSH.
  • Awesome Terminal Fonts : - A family of fonts that includes some nice monospaced Icons.
  • Fantasque-sans πŸ₯‡ - Another Powerline-compatible font.
  • Iosevka πŸ₯‡ ⏳ πŸ’Ό πŸ“ˆ - Coders’ typeface, built from code. Highly customizable.
  • Powerline patched font collection πŸ₯‡ - A collection of a dozen or so fonts patched to include powerline gylphs.