OpcodeDoc is the name of this website and the protocol for documenting opcodes of various CPU's and VM bytecode's.
The goal of this project is to create a one-stop shop where both emulator and compiler developers can find information about the different CPU's and VM's in a consistent format.
How to Build
You need Python 3 to create/generate the web pages. If Python 3 is installed, the gendoc.py
file must be executed. After that, the dist
folder will contain the web pages.
OpcodeDoc Spec
The OpcodeDoc Spec format is a JSON file with various blocks of data. The idea behind this format is to provide a consistent format that can be easily consumed by a program, so you can generate source code from it, for example, as is the case with OpenAPI.
There are currently two types of metablocks. Each metablock begins with a $
"$spec": "1.0.0"
This block contains the version number of the specification used for a file. The versioning type used here is semver.
"$info": {
"title": "Name of the Processor / VM",
"description": "Description of what type of processor we are dealing with",
"clock_speed": "Clock speed of the processor + unit (Hz, KHz, MHz, GHz)",
"cache": {
"CACHE NAME e.g. L1": {
"size": "Size of the cache + unit (B, KB, MB)",
"comment": "Additional comment e.g. Special use case"
Multiple caches are possible.
"address_bus": Size of the address bus in bits e.g. 32 or 0 if unknown,
"version": "Document version also in semver starting by 1.0.0",
"sources": [ "Where does all this information come from? We don't want any plagiarize." ],
"complete": true or false if this document is not complete
"glossary": {
"Term": "Explanation"
The glossary is for web documentation only.
"registers": {
"Core or processor name e.g. Main": [
{"name": "Name of the register", "value": "Value of the register", "size": Size of the register in bits}
The register block contains a map of different cores or processing units, each of which can have its own register.
"groups": [
"Group name"
The groups can be referenced by each opcode. This helps to categories the opcodes on the web interface.
"opcodes": [
"group": Group index starting with 1 for the first group in the group array or 0 for no group,
"name": "Name of the assembly e.g. MOV",
"opcode": Opcode value e.g. 50,
"decode": {
"Name for a variable or just a binary value": Size in bits
"format": "Assembly example on how to use this introduction e.g. MOV reg1, reg2",
"purpose": "What does this command?",
"description": "Example of how an emulator might emulate this command e.g. reg2 = reg1"
This block describes how an opcode works and is encoded. The decoding map shows how a sequence of bytes can be decoded to get all the necessary values, or conversely, how an assembler introduction is encoded.
For more information you can have a look at some files in the spec folder.
All files, except the files inside the specs and fonts folder, are under the MIT License. The informations, which are inside the specs/*.json
, are without warranty of correctness or completeness.