
Julia MuJoCo simulation of Woofer in the Mocap room

Primary LanguageJulia

Woofer Julia Simulation


This repository contains the most up to date Woofer code that accounts for full state feedback from the MOCAP room.

Installation for Simulation

  1. Acquire a license for MuJoCo at http://mujoco.org/. You can get a free trial of the professional license for a month, or with a student account, a free year.

  2. Save the license mjkey.txt somewhere and set the environment variable MUJOCO_KEY_PATH to that location. One way to set the environment variable is through your bash profile. On a mac this is done by adding the line

export MUJOCO_KEY_PATH=[YOUR PATH]/mjkey.txt

to your ~/.bash_profile.

  1. Install Julia by visiting https://julialang.org/downloads/

  2. Install this repository through Julia's Package Manager (Pkg)

pkg> add https://github.com/tpunnoose/WooferSim

Run Simulation

  1. Enter the Julia REPL in the WooferSim directory (this will be in the .julia/dev folder).
  2. Run
  1. The MuJoCo simulator should then pop up in a new window with various interactive options. Press space to start the simulation.
  • Click and drag with the left mouse button to orbit the camera, and with the right mouse button to pan the camera.
  • To perturb the robot, double click on the body you want to perturb, then hold Control and click and drag with the mouse. Using the left mouse button will apply a rotational torque while the right button will apply a translational force.
  • Press space to play or pause the simulation.