- ajholguin@ucsb
- andremrsantosMaurano Lab
- benmarwickUniversity of Washington
- cdcrabtreeDartmouth College
- cderv
- cjyetmanRMI
- danilofreireUniversity of Lincoln
- danli-ds
- daroczig@SpareCores / @rxstudioinc
- DarrylBeatty
- davidgohelArData
- dpastoorA2-Ai
- durraniu
- eyadsibai
- felipelbhering
- hrbrmstrGreyNoise Intelligence
- jalapicAustin, Texas
- jeffreyhansonCarleton University, Canada
- John-BrandonBiometrician
- jonocarroll@IrregularlyScheduledProgramming
- kgildsLakeland FL
- kylelundstedt@IndustryVault
- lazappi
- maelle@ropensci
- nhejaziHarvard Chan School of Public Health
- nrkoehlerUniversity of Leipzig, Clinical Trial Centre Leipzig
- pachevalierEtalab
- PakilloSevilla, Spain
- petermeissnerHamburg, Germany
- rdrr1990Stanford University
- RMHogervorstNetherlands
- RobertMylesIreland
- SantoshSrinivas79
- talegariGames24x7
- tjmahrMadison, WI
- trinkerKangarootime