Dependencies Question
AdrianAntico opened this issue · 2 comments
AdrianAntico commented
Why does your Description File Imports not match your Dependency section on the README?
From your Description file, here are the imports (Imports: data.table, slam, stats, stringi, utils) but the Dependency section lists
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, magrittr, ggstance, viridis, gridExtra, textreadr, quanteda)
pacman::p_load_current_gh('trinker/gofastr', 'trinker/textshape')
trinker commented
This is likely human error on my part. Can you investigate further, fix,
and send a pull request?
…On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 3:10 PM Adrian ***@***.***> wrote:
Why does your Description File Imports not match your Dependency section
on the README?
From your Description file, here are the imports (Imports: data.table,
slam, stats, stringi, utils) but the Dependency section lists
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, magrittr, ggstance, viridis, gridExtra, textreadr, quanteda)
pacman::p_load_current_gh('trinker/gofastr', 'trinker/textshape')
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trinker commented
Coming back to this. The dependencies was the dependencies of the script not the package.