
Tripal fields to display content linked to a different content type through linker tables

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Chado Linker Fields Documentation

Tripal fields to display content linked to a different content type through linker tables

This module provides fields for Tripal 7.x-3.10 or later to display linked content. Please be aware that this module will not be compatible with Tripal versions 7.x-3.9 or earlier.


A number of content types have chado linker tables that define relationships between two different content types. For example, in the core Tripal module there is a field named chado_linker__contact that can be used, for example, to add contact information on a feature, such as a gene. The correspondence information is stored in the chado table feature_contact. For example, this table might contain these records:

 feature_contact_id | feature_id | contact_id 
                  1 |          1 |          3
                  2 |          2 |          3

And the linked contact could appear on a gene (feature) page as in this example

chado_linker__contact example image

Fields Provided by This Module

This module provides linker fields for the following content types

Linker Field Name Controlled Vocabulary Term
chado_linker__analysis NCIT:C25391 (Analysis)
chado_linker__assay NCIT:C60819 (Assay)
chado_linker__biomaterial NCIT:C43376 (Biologically-Derived Material)
chado_linker__contact (existing) local:contact
chado_linker__feature NCIT:C73619 (Feature)
chado_linker__featuremap EDAM data:1274 (map)
chado_linker__organism NCIT:C14250 (Organism)
chado_linker__project NCIT:C47885 (Project)
chado_linker__stock NCIT:C48288 (Stock)
chado_linker__study NCIT:C63536 (Study)

These fields can be used on any content type, however there must be a corresponding chado linker table, with a name based on the two content types. For example, to link a stock to a project, the table can be named either project_stock or stock_project. If Tripal does not provided a needed linker table, you can create a custom chado table yourself to store the linking information. See the Tripal Documentation for more information on creating custom tables.

How to add a field to a content type

These fields can be added to any content with an appropriate linker table.

On your site's admin menu, navigate to

Structure → Tripal content types

or navigate directly to


On a content type click on manage fields and then click on + Check for new fields If a suitable linker table exists, a corresponding linker field will be added to the content type. For example, on project content type you should see this result:

project added fields example image

You can then select the "MANAGE DISPLAY" tab, enable the fields if they are disabled, and configure where you would like the new fields displayed.

project manage display example image

Configuration of Field Settings

On your site's admin menu, navigate to

Tripal → Data Storage → Chado → Field Settings

or navigate directly to


The configuration form provides two settings:

field settings form image

Maximum records to display

This setting is used to configure when a field converts to a summary view. This is necessary when the number of records to display is too large for your site to handle. For example, a Genome Assembly may be linked to all of the gene predictions in that assembly, which will likely be tens of thousands of genes. Displaying this many records, even if a pager is used, will likely overwhelm any Tripal site. In this case a summary view is returned.

Example of a summary view on an analysis (Gene Prediction) page:

analysis_feature summary example image

Maximum field height

This setting is used to configure the maximum height of a single record displayed by a field. For example, if linking an analysis to an organism, the analysis record may have an extensive description, and if multiple analyses are linked, the resulting page that is displayed may be unwieldy. When the content exceeds the specified height, a scrollbar will be provided.

Example of an analysis with scroll bar on a project page:

maximum height example image

Existing Linker Tables

Core Tripal provides the following linker tables compatible with the fields in this module. Other modules may define additional linker tables. Please note that a linker table must have a primary key to be usable by these fields. For example, the analysis_organism materialized view in core Tripal does not have a primary key, so it will not be recognized by these linker fields. However, the tripal_eutils module does define an organism_analysis custom table, which can be used.
