
Convert your labels to KITTI format and evaluate according to their official (offline) metrics.

Primary LanguageC++

If you have some labels you want to evaluate on KITTI benchmark but have format problems, here some quick scripts for you to convert to KITTI format and evaluate using their metrics. First release with only testing a few cases, might be buggy, let me know.

KITTI Converter

You can convert your labels of arbitrary format to KITTI labels easily using this script. Example:

python to_kitti_converter.py --pred_labels path_to/pred_dir --gt_labels path_to/pred_dir --format "class x y z l w h r score
Parameter Flag Type Default Description
Format --format list None, required Label format, see below
Gt label path --gt_labels str None Groundtruth label file path
Pred label path --pred_labels str None Prediction label file path, same format as GT but with scores and stored in data/ folder
CSV file --csv flag False If your file is a CSV, use this flag. Otherwise assume space seperated like KITTI)

You define your label format based on which KITTI fields you have. KITTI labels use the following field and identifier:

KITTI Field Converter ID Notes
Type class
Truncated truncated
Occluded occluded
Alpha alpha
2D bbox [x1 y1 x2 y2] x1 y1 x2 y2 Must be side by side in this order
3D shape [h, w, l] h w l Any order is fine
3D bbox [x, y, z] x y z Any order is fine
Rotation angle r radians
Score score Set to 1 if none is given for prediction labels

For example, say your label has only has classes, 3D Bbox and 3D Bbox sizes and scores such as like:

Car 10 -30 1.2 3.6 1.9 2.01 0.9

Then you would use:

--format "class x y z l w h score"

Say your format only has BEV bbox (lidar frame) and has extra fields like:

Timestamp Class Color BEV_x BEV_y Length Width Score

Then your format would be:

--format "timestamp class color x y l w score"

and the timestamp and color fields would not be used. Say you want to evaluate on image results, then your format might be like

--format "class x1 y2 x2 y2 score"

Extra fields need an ID, but anything outside the above list is fine. You don't need to worry too much about frame of reference, as long as predictions and groundtruth match the KITTI c++ code will work.

Official "offline" KITTI Eval

Make sure you have prediction and grouthtruth folders in KITTI format. You also this directory format

├── data
│   ├── 000000.txt ... 00xxxx.txt
├── 000000.txt ... 00xxxx.txt

Then in kitti_cpp_eval/ run:

./evaluate_object_3d_offline gt_dir result_dir

To recompile it just run in the cpp folder:

g++ -O3 -DNDEBUG -o evaluate_object_offline evaluate_object_offline.cpp