- 0
Regarding Lassosum download in Mac
#50 opened by khujithrajueni - 1
Error in group.blocks ?
#49 opened by aikedan - 1
Getting predicted phenotypes from validate()
#48 opened by DracoLloigor - 1
Model Performance R2
#47 opened by m-mews - 8
p2cor generating NaNs
#35 opened by Fnyasimi - 4
pseudovalidation double destandardize
#46 opened by JasmRicard - 4
pseudovalidate() with no LD
#45 opened by euffelmann - 2
lassosum-pipeline: Not converging
#44 opened by YutingHan317 - 2
- 6
Error in splitvec.from.bfile(bfile) : length(pvec) == length(bfile) is not TRUE
#43 opened by rainajia - 2
Error in validate.lassosum.pipeline(out) : There's no variation in phenotype
#41 opened by Mahantesh-Biradar - 14
Error in `$<`(`*tmp*`, "ok123", value = TRUE) : replacement has 1 row, data has 0
#40 opened by Mahantesh-Biradar - 3
- 3
Lassosum benchmarking
#38 opened by fmadani - 11
target.res$best.pgs generating NaNs
#37 opened by littleteacupscu - 4
- 16
how to use result of lassosum to plink
#17 opened by biostat0903 - 0
- 9
- 1
- 0
took too much time to run the pseudovalidate
#32 opened by YINGJUNBIAO - 15
Negative results
#12 opened by privefl - 2
Any documentation of pseudovalidate?
#31 opened by YaoLei-Leo - 2
About installing the package
#30 opened by felixhu93 - 1
parseselect/lassosum.pipeline won't accept tibbles for keep/remove arguments
#16 opened by mattwarkentin - 1
- 2
Speed up lassosum
#25 opened by dheerajbobbili1988 - 4
what is the format of the LDfile used in ?
#26 opened by complexgenome - 2
Support PLINK2 dosage format
#18 opened by wavefancy - 7
!any( is not TRUE
#24 opened by maltose1117 - 1
Getting All the Same PRS in
#23 opened by HannahR1 - 1
How to use the "#" for multiple chromosome input
#22 opened by HannahR1 - 7
Lassosum standalone error
#21 opened by dheerajbobbili1988 - 1
Using pre-computed LD
#19 opened by liangyy - 3
p2cor() doesn't handle very small pvalues
#11 opened by privefl - 8
Output the reweighed beta?
#8 opened by wavefancy - 3
explain the "pgs" in out
#13 opened by mjalbrzikowski - 7
- 3
- 0
Using lassosum in Rscript
#3 opened by choishingwan - 4
the link to the .tar.gz does not work
#2 opened by andgan - 1
lassosum.pipeline.R has hardcoded paths
#1 opened by gabraham