Genetic evidence enrichment pipeline for CACHE

Summary of operations

For the input target list (UniProt ACs), add associations from the Open Targets Platform data which fit certain criteria.

Open Targets Platform associations are ingested from associationByDatatypeDirect. Only the following associations are considered:

  • Datatype ID is genetic association.
  • Datatype harmonic score >= 0.7 (current threshold, arbitrarily chosen). Filter by datatype evidence count is currently not applied.
  • Association target is protein coding according to OT target index.
  • Association disease is a genetic disease, as defined by having OTAR_0000018 (“genetic, familial or congenital disease”) in the list of therapeutic areas.

The output is the spreadsheet obtained at input, containing only the rows for which at least one association was found, with the following fields added: targetId, datatypeHarmonicScore, diseaseId, diseaseLabel.

In certain cases, one original record will be exploded into multiple rows:

  • When one UniProt AC maps to multiple Ensembl gene IDs;
  • When there are multiple valid associations available for the single Ensembl gene ID.

For this reason, at each processing step two metrics are calculated: the number of distinct original targets, and the total number of rows.

Current results

This section is generated automatically by the pipeline on each run. The results below are for run 2021-05-12 on input data 2021-05-07.

Successive target list filtering statistics

  • On load: 6,742 distinct (6,742 total)
  • Mapped to Ensembl gene IDs: 6,617 distinct (7,485 total)
  • Present in the OT target index as protein coding: 6,385 distinct (6,439 total)
  • Have good OT associations: 1,968 distinct (5,992 total)

Dataset statistics

Total UniProt AC → Ensembl gene ID mappings: 81,097

Open Targets Platform data:

  • Total OT targets: 60,608
    • Of them, protein coding: 19,933
  • Total OT diseases: 18,497
    • Of them, genetic diseases: 8,147
  • Total OT direct associations by datatype: 2,653,077
    • Of them, fitting all criteria (genetic association, good score, coding target, genetic disease): 13,697

Running instructions

Set up the environment

python3 -m venv env
python3 -m pip -q install -r requirements.txt

Download the data

# Open Targets Platform release.
export RELEASE=21.04
export DATASETS="targets diseases associationByDatatypeDirect"
for DATASET in ${DATASETS}; do
  wget --recursive --no-parent --no-host-directories --cut-dirs 8 \${RELEASE}/output/etl/parquet/${DATASET}

# UniProt to Ensembl mapping.
echo -e 'UniProt\ttargetId' > uniprot_ensembl_mapping.tsv
wget -qO- \
  | gzip -cd | cut -d$'\t' -f1,19 >> uniprot_ensembl_mapping.tsv

The input list of targets is generated upstream and shared over email.


source env/bin/activate
python3 \
  --upstream-targets CACHE_List_SAR_GWAS_DiseaseV2.csv \
  --uniprot-ensembl-mapping uniprot_ensembl_mapping.tsv \
  --association-threshold 0.7 \
  --output-dataset results.tsv