
Infrastructure for org-sagebase-scipooldev AWS account

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A project to install, configure and manage AWS org-sagebase-scipooldev account.


The purpose of this project is to build a self service provisioning system using the AWS service catalog.

We are leveraging the AWS service catalog reference architecure to build out the service catalog.

Instructions to create or update CF stacks

# Update CF stacks with sceptre:
# sceptre launch prod <stack_name>

The above should setup resources for the AWS account. Once the infrastructure for the account has been setup you can access and view the account using the AWS console.

Note - This project depends on CF templates from other accounts.


Contributions are welcome.


  • Install pre-commit app
  • Clone this repo
  • Run pre-commit install to install the git hook.


As a pre-deployment step we syntatically validate our sceptre and cloudformation yaml files with pre-commit.

Please install pre-commit, once installed the file validations will automatically run on every commit. Alternatively you can manually execute the validations by running pre-commit run --all-files. Please install pre-commit, once installed the file validations will automatically run on every commit.



  • We use the AWS SSM to store secrets for this project. Sceptre retrieves the secrets using a sceptre ssm resolver and passes them to the cloudformation stack on deployment.