
mlflow.exceptions.MlflowException: Run 'LIFFireNet' not found

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Kindly let us know how to solve this issue after running
python eval_flow.py LIFFireNet --config configs/eval_ECD.yml
Kindly help

Hi! Have a look at this section of the readme; you should download the pretrained models before you can run an evaluation (or train your own models)


I put all the pretrained models in a current directory. But still the same issue with a bug

What does your directory structure look like? In order to make it work, mlflow.zip should be extracted inside event_flow/, such that it looks like this:

|-- mlruns
    |-- 42
        |-- meta.yaml
        |-- LIFFireNet
        |   |-- ...
        |-- ALIFFireNet
        |   |-- ...

Worked like a charm. Thanks solved.
Also your paper is exceptional in self supervised paradigm

Good to hear! And thanks :) Good luck with experimenting!

hbg180 commented

Hi, I'm having the same problem. After I unzip the mlruns.zip file, I get _MACOSX and mlruns 2 folders. I move the 42 folder under the mlruns 2 folder to the mlruns directory and delete the _MACOSX and mlruns 2 folders. This way I get the same directory structure as you said. How should I resolve this error? Thanks!