
Training the TID network

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Hi guys, I was trying to train the TID network using the train.py script with the tid_train.yaml config. I downloaded the dsec dataset and placed it in the correct folders as per the readme. While training I noticed that the training crashes after some iterations with an error in the retrieval_fn.py:

def retreival_pred_nextflow_seq(out, batch):
fmask = namedtuple("masked_frame", ["frame", "mask"])
return (out["flow_next_trajectory"], [fmask(x["flow_gt_next"],
x["flow_gt_next_valid_mask"]) for x in batch])

It seems that the retrieval function is expecting there to be a gt_flow_next for all elements of the batch but when I check the dataloader here:

if self.load_gt:
if index + 2 < len(self.flow_png):
output['flow_gt_next'] = [torch.tensor(
x) for x in self.load_flow(self.flow_png[index + 2])]
output['flow_gt_next'][0] = torch.moveaxis(
output['flow_gt_next'][0], -1, 0)
output['flow_gt_next'][1] = torch.unsqueeze(
output['flow_gt_next'][1], 0)
return output

it will occasionally load a sample at the end of the recording for which there is no gt_flow_next.

By changing the +1 to a -1 in line 524 here the training runs without errors:

def get_continuous_sequences(self):
continuous_seq_idcs = []
if self.sequence_length > 1:
for i in range(len(self.timestamps_flow)-self.sequence_length+1):
diff = self.timestamps_flow[i +
self.sequence_length-1] - self.timestamps_flow[i]
if diff < np.max([100000 * (self.sequence_length-1) + 1000, 101000]):
for i in range(len(self.timestamps_flow)-1):
diff = self.timestamps_flow[i+1] - self.timestamps_flow[i]
if diff < np.max([100000 * (self.sequence_length-1) + 1000, 101000]):
return continuous_seq_idcs

Could it be that this was a typo in the code or am I missing something?


You are probably right! Apologies this error has made into the release. I will take a look at it towards the end of this week.

Thanks for your understanding!