ivy-posframe is a ivy extension, which let ivy use posframe to show its candidate menu, ivy-posframe is a **GNU ELPA** package.
Emacs Lisp
- a13Belgrade, Serbia
- a13ph
- abo-abo@wavemm
- akhileshsSan Francisco, CA
- allforabitNearForm
- anEvolvingPatternIntegrity
- articuluxe
- bbenne10GTRI
- eduranteSeedImpulse SA
- ellisadigvom
- gavocanovInfobip
- glucas@aPrioriTechnologies
- guidoschmidtFIELD.io
- iomonadLutetia Parisiorum
- jherrlinVäxjö, Sweden
- jinyangustc
- jojojames
- julienXXMakeMusic Inc.
- junkwTokyo, Japan
- justbur
- lululauSunshine, Mountain East
- makkusfrkl.io
- ngquerolFrance
- nicehiro@romi-lab
- opt9
- piger@zendesk
- piranhaMetabase
- rgrinbergToronto
- rlisterWashington, DC
- rzaniE-Midia
- shackraEsa Vara
- thbltParis, France.
- wigustThe land of lisp
- yintothayangSyndicate Software
- zarkoneBerlin
- zsoltikaBudapest, Hungary