(!! moved to tunnckoCore/opensource multi-package repository !!) :trident: Parse a function into an object using espree, acorn or babylon parsers. Extensible through Smart Plugins.
- 0
- 4
V5.3.2 Error: Cannot find module './utils'
#202 opened by sky172839465 - 7
Arrow function with inner function fails to parse
#179 opened by pimlie - 8
- 1
- 0
Weekly Digest (3 March, 2019 - 10 March, 2019)
#178 opened by weekly-digest - 0
- 0
- 0
- 11
#47 opened by gunar - 3
- 1
- 4
5.2.0 has no dist folder
#125 opened by Alex-D - 0
When default value consists of a list of expressions, default value is not returned as a string
#120 opened by ericmorand - 5
v5.1.3 doesn't have a `dist/index.js` file
#118 opened by TooTallNate - 0
Ensure dist builds exists
#119 opened by tunnckoCore - 0
fake issue
#114 opened by tunnckoCore - 11
- 2
Error when parsing a native function
#102 opened by ericmorand-emakina - 1
add notes for the different versions
#44 opened by tunnckoCore - 8
Parse bound functions
#71 opened by mauriciomelo - 0
- 8
Strange parser error when an `if` statement is at the top of an async arrow function
#61 opened by TooTallNate - 5
Breaks on destructured args
#32 opened by keenahn - 3
Suggest `args` be called `params` and `params` be called `paramsString` or something
#33 opened by keenahn - 4
Error parsing class method
#30 opened by jbeezley - 0
Bug when object method has default arguments
#31 opened by tunnckoCore - 4
Files missing in v4 release
#29 opened by jbeezley - 5
improve code climate shits
#26 opened by tunnckoCore - 7
ES6 features
#18 opened by skamenetskiy - 16
seems to not work with es6 method notation
#27 opened by serapath - 2
Release v4
#28 opened by tunnckoCore - 3
issue with some chars
#25 opened by the1mills - 15
Bound functions and other gibberish
#14 opened by rkaw92 - 1
expose property in response which to say if given value is arrow function or normal function?
#13 opened by tunnckoCore - 0
#23 opened by tunnckoCore - 7
Class methods
#15 opened by rkaw92 - 5
- 2
comments in parameters
#11 opened by ORESoftware - 10
ES6 default parameters
#8 opened by eush77 - 5
hints and ideas for improving
#7 opened by tunnckoCore - 14
ES2015+ Support
#2 opened by cmtt - 2
- 0
#6 opened by tunnckoCore - 1
`args` and `arguments` confusion?
#1 opened by tunnckoCore