
Create Robotic Project with Raspberry Pico RP2040 + Pico SDK + FreeRTOS + micro-ROS (coming soon)

Primary LanguageC

Raspberry Pico RP2040 Robotic Project


Getting Started

  1. git clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/tutla53/rp2040.git
  2. Move to the SDK and FreeRTOS-LTS as a submodule pico-sdk and FreeRTOS-LTS

  3. Initialize and update the submodule

    git submodule update --init
    ⚠️ WARNING
    Don't recurse git submodules
  4. Setup a CMakeLists.txt in the project directory like:

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
    # initialize pico-sdk from submodule
    # note: this must happen before project()
    set(PICO_SOURCE ../pico-sdk)
    # initialize the Raspberry Pi Pico SDK
    # rest of your project
  5. Go to the project directory, create the build folder, and compile the software:

    cd {project_directory}
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j4