- 0
Website "News" out of date
#1082 opened by Dominic-at-Visier - 0
- 2
Remove stale branches
#1040 opened by satorg - 11
- 1
API doc for Gen.listOfN is misleading
#1059 opened by kneisslm - 2
publish for scala-native 0.5
#1048 opened by xuwei-k - 0
Publish javadoc with dependency
#1043 opened by Christewart - 0
Partition a finite collection?
#1028 opened by vreuter - 0
Add edge cases to Gen.choose[BigInt]
#993 opened by DirkToewe - 1
Feature request: lazy labels
#969 opened by noresttherein - 0
Shrinking goes into semi-infinite recursion
#968 opened by noresttherein - 1
Feature request: automatically persist failure cases and prioritise their reproduction in the following test runs.
#970 opened by tribbloid - 3
- 0
Very minor issue in Gen.scala companion object
#913 opened by ModisR - 4
Release 1.17.0?
#912 opened by SethTisue - 6
Predictable repetition in generated values
#840 opened by leviramsey - 3
Hang while running test suite for `scalatestplus-scalacheck` (possible regression)
#909 opened by griggt - 0
Gen of Associative Functions
#907 opened by DirkToewe - 0
- 6
Release v1.16.0
#886 opened by armanbilge - 3
Gen.containerOfN behaves unpredictably in scala3
#885 opened by ndas1971 - 11
Behavior of Gen.listOfN behaves different to what I was assuming based on the documentation
#844 opened by L7R7 - 19
Snapshot publish failed
#881 opened by armanbilge - 5
Drop Scala 3.0, publish for 3.1?
#878 opened by armanbilge - 13
Update website with last 2 years of news
#853 opened by SethTisue - 3
Website broken (404 from Github)
#854 opened by borice - 2
- 1
withMinSuccessfulTests has no effect
#837 opened by adamstarlight - 0
Revise docs for Arbitrary
#772 opened by ashawley - 1
Shrink should put its smallest guesses first
#801 opened by chriswarbo - 1
2.12 vs 2.13
#802 opened by idot - 4
Release 1.15.4
#790 opened by larsrh - 0
Add docs for Gen
#773 opened by ashawley - 4
Prop.all is not stack-safe
#748 opened by julienrf - 3
Ambiguous implicit values
#721 opened by ashawley - 3
Drop the dotty plugin?
#784 opened by ashawley - 1
Release script is broken (once again)
#707 opened by larsrh - 1
Invalid bounds in JavaTimeChoose
#762 opened by sangamon - 7
- 0
Rename `master` branch to `main`
#774 opened by SethTisue - 0
Return efficient strategies for simple filter predicates, instead of rejection sampling
#755 opened by spockz - 4
Tuple shrinking should go to 11 (and beyond)
#738 opened by jonaskoelker - 2
Future of the commands API
#737 opened by ashawley - 1
- 1
Shrinking command data
#728 opened by AndersBensen - 8
Support for 3.0.0-M3 released under 1.5.1
#732 opened by tgodzik - 0
Publish for Scala 3.0.0-M2, please
#723 opened by SethTisue - 4
- 3
Fragile test of SeedSpecification
#710 opened by ashawley - 4
nonEmptyListOf.sample started to return None
#708 opened by SebastianRabiej