SLAM run on Raspberry Pi: Occupancy grid mapping, Particle Filter localization and A* path planning & exploration

Primary LanguageC

=== Directories ===

= bin/ - where all built binaries are located - you'll be using this directory a lot

= data/ - where data needed to run parts of the assignment are located - log files and target files for SLAM and exploration are here

= lcmtypes/ - where the .lcm type definitions are located - the generated types are stored in src/lcmtypes

= lib/ - where static libraries are saved during the build process - you should never need to manually do anything in this directory

= src/ - where all source code for botlab is located - the subdirectories will have a further description of their contents

=== Files ===

= Makefile - the root Makefile that launches the recursive build of the botlab code - you shouldn't need to edit this file

= log_mbot_sensors.sh - a script to log the sensor data needed for SLAM so you can easily create your own log files for testing

= setenv.sh - a script for setting environment variables needed for running Vx applications - run this script before running botgui in a terminal on your laptop - run via . setenv.sh -- note the space

What to do in each section

2.1 - need optitrack ground truth - how to get optitrack ground truth? Is mobilebot broadcasting optitrack? - what is OPTITRACK_CHANNEL? 3.1 - what is the difference between sweep lidar and rplidar? - modify src/mapping - run slam --mapping-only 3.2 - action model - sensor model