
Drone plugin for deploy images on a Kubernetes cluster with Rancher 2.x.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Drone Rancher Deploy

Build Status

This drone plugin can be used to deploy images on a Kubernetes cluster with Rancher 2.x.

Plugin in action:



In order to use this plugin in one your Drone steps you can use the following step definition

  - name: rancher-deploy
    image: uala/drone-rancher-deploy
      config: k8s-envs.yml
      dry_run: true
        from_secret: RANCHER_ACCESS_KEY
        from_secret: RANCHER_SECRET_KEY

Plugin image will read the given config (in your repository) and deploy all matching confiugurations.

Configuration file

Configuration file is a YAML (with ERB support) file stored in your repository and configured using plugin setting named config.

This file contains yaml definitions of services to update per Rancher Projects/Namespaces and credentials

  branch: develop
  server_url: "https://k8s.example.com"
  project: RancherProject
  namespace: my-namespace
  access_key: <%= ENV['RANCHER_ACCESS_KEY'] %>
  secret_key: <%= ENV['RANCHER_SECRET_KEY'] %>
    - web
    - worker
    - cron

Any configuration name can be used, plugin will skip those starting with a . (dot) in order to allow usage of YAML references as in the following example:

.common: &common
  branch: develop
  server_url: "https://k8s.example.com"
  project: RancherProject
  access_key: <%= ENV['RANCHER_ACCESS_KEY'] %>
  secret_key: <%= ENV['RANCHER_SECRET_KEY'] %>
    - web
    - worker
    - cron

  <<: *common
  namespace: develop

  <<: *common
  namespace: production

Configuration file reference

  • branch: This is the most important settings, it contains a branch name that plugin will use to determine wheter this configuration must be deployed. It supports plain branch names and also a regexp (e.g. feature/.*). At DRONE_SOURCE_BRANCH will be used to match, in order to support both push and pull_request events in Drone.io.
  • only_tags: if true this configuration will be executed if and only if current deploy is running on a tag (n.b. it will NOT deploy even if branch regexp matches)
  • server_url: Your Rancher 2.x server url, mandatory
  • project: Rancher project name, used for context switch
  • namespace: Rancher namespace
  • access_key: Rancher access key used for authentication
  • secret_key: Rancher secret key used for authentication
  • services: YAML array of services to update in Rancher/K8S
  • image: Docker image used to update services, if not given a name will be built from repo/branch/commit.
  • login_options: Additional rancher login options (e.g. --skip-verify)
  • kubectl_options: optional, string, any additional flags to be passed to the kubectl command

It's advised to customize image name. Remember: you can use ERB in YAML config, so you can set this to something like

image: <%= "#{ENV['DRONE_REPO']}:ENV['DRONE_BRANCH']" %>

Tag check action

This plugin action is used to enforce that deployments of tags happens in a restricted branch. To use this feature you should configure the plugin in the following way

  - name: rancher-deploy
    image: uala/drone-rancher-deploy
      action: tag_check
      enforce_branch_for_tag: <some-branch-name>
      enforce_head: true # Optional, default is false            

With this configuration plugin will check on what branches is the tag you're deploying and fails if tag is not on the given branch. With optional enforce_head flag plugin will also ensure that tag point to head of the given branch.

See integrations specs for this behavior.

Plugin settings

The plugin accepts the following settings:

  • config: mandatory setting, a file path (relative to your repository root) containing environments configuration
  • dry_run: setting this value to any non empty string will enable plugin dry-run mode, i.e. commands will printed to screen but they won't be executed
  • colors: can be used to disable colored output from executed commands. Default is true, setting it to false will disable colors.
  • logging: logging level of plugin, default is info, supported values: any Ruby logger valid level
  • action: action to use in plugin, one of [deploy, tag_check]
  • enforce_branch_for_tag: string, a branch name, used in tag_check action
  • enforce_head: boolean any non empty string will be considered as true, used in tag_check action


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/uala/drone-rancher-deploy


Drone Rancher Deploy is released under the MIT License.