This is the Plato Research Dialogue System, a flexible platform for developing conversational AI agents.
- a24ibrahUniversity of Waterloo
- alphabeta10
- an0ther-koni@Onlim
- bradjonescaNew York
- brianlawrence2
- CardosoGit
- chagriOla Krutrim
- cristeabBogdan-Eugen Cristea
- Dpointer
- edwardxieChina
- ericxsun@cins-china
- felicitywang@ai-foundation
- gabrielcc2Rewe Digital, University of Magdeburg, OvGU
- iamsywid
- indrajit1581
- Jacksonlark
- jhcloos
- justicelee
- kangzhonghua
- lenyablokoYabloko US Lab
- lewdon
- mbofb
- mingfangNew York
- mirwu
- msoftwarew3logistics AG
- Nick-Alam
- papadakoFoundation of Research and Technology - Hellas, Institute of Computer Science
- phildhallElzware Ltd
- rahulni
- RobColeman@Facebook
- scholz73San Antonio, Texas
- shubhras01Developer
- sibbsnbPhoenix
- wengbenjueshanghai
- wkrupa
- yueyunyue