- agajewsApricity
- alexlinde
- CavalloneChen
- DanieleGravinaMCAST – The Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology
- denkorzhMoscow, Russia
- diegoferigoItalian Institute of Technology
- emaballarinDept. of Maths, UniTS | @LACoNIC-UniTS ⊆ @ailab-units | @sissa-data-science | @AI-Student-Society
- feyereisl
- filangelos@deepmind, @oatml
- fly51flyPRIS
- greed2411@skit-ai
- IpsumDominum
- jeremiedecockCEA (Astrophysics division)
- jfpettit
- k3KAW8Pnf7mkmdSMPHz27@Potomac-Technologies
- kangkot
- maramos874Paris, France
- michalwolsNew York
- mockenoffDallas, TX
- mohitsethi
- moskomuleRIKEN AIP
- ptigasUniversity of Oxford
- ReKarmaByteDance Inc
- rguo12London
- roma-goodokAlign Technology
- shpotesGoogle
- shriphaniOnai
- SmeritySan Francisco, California
- StevenBorg3MotionAI
- T-tssxuan
- TinkerMob杭州
- TristanJMUnited Kingdom
- zackgoworita
- zhengxiawuPengchengLab
- zxlzrearth