- 3
Devices should have CPEs associable
#624 opened by ajnelson-nist - 1
UCO should clarify role of informal type string fields vs. implemented classes
#640 opened by ajnelson-nist - 18
Restructuring the `Software` class hierarchy
#596 opened by ajnelson-nist - 3
- 2
cpeid should constrain values through CPE version and "Part" component of Well-Formed Name
#626 opened by ajnelson-nist - 2
- 13
Need ability to represent producer-asserted maturity status of any domain object
#549 opened by Bradichus - 3
Should Disk be a subclass of Device?
#612 opened by ajnelson-nist - 3
UCO should hint at Facet associations
#634 opened by ajnelson-nist - 1
- 1
Solutions Approval vote has not occurred
#594 opened by ajnelson-nist - 3
- 18
New subclass of victim
#616 opened by smite-dev - 14
- 2
Allow to circumvent identifying UcoThing's through UUID enforcement for digital resource data
#606 opened by plbt5 - 5
crimes against children change proposal
#614 opened by suatgungor - 3
Unified Cyber Ontology Change Proposal
#615 opened by minissan - 7
Need ability to represent concept of a Datasource
#551 opened by Bradichus - 3
Automation 150
#617 opened by suatgungor - 5
`observable:AlternateDataStream` is not a subclass of `FileSystemObject`, but `File` and `ReparsePoint` are
#590 opened by ajnelson-nist - 11
pattern:PatternExpression is erroneously encoded as a datatype and class
#562 opened by ajnelson-nist - 1
- 2
- 2
- 6
`observable:ObservableRelationship` should constrain the types on the objects it is relating
#573 opened by ajnelson-nist - 6
Need ability to represent concept of a Selector
#550 opened by Bradichus - 0
- 11
Need improved and extended abilities to express contextual details around software such as its build, configuration, and deployment
#583 opened by sbarnum - 1
- 13
- 6
- 3
Need Ability to Represent an Email System and Email System Facet Class and Properties
#576 opened by vulnmaster - 4
- 17
- 1
- 7
`action:subaction` and related actions' times
#557 opened by ajnelson-nist - 4
`action:result` linking one `core:UcoObject` to multiple `action:Action`s
#558 opened by ajnelson-nist - 1
Event time bounds and `uco-action:result`
#565 opened by ajnelson-nist - 4
- 6
Are the classes `Event` and `Action` disjoint?
#563 opened by ajnelson-nist - 4
Need ability to specify the nature(observed, potential, suggested, imperative, etc) of an action
#545 opened by Bradichus - 1
- 21
Need ability to represent general concept of an Event
#541 opened by sbarnum - 5
- 0
Need ability to specify the nature (observed, derived, potential, suggested, imperative, etc) of an action
#552 opened by Bradichus - 0
Need ability to represent concept of Objective
#548 opened by Bradichus - 0
- 0
Need ability to represent concept of Alert
#546 opened by Bradichus - 1
How does one represent an ethernet port?
#540 opened by ajnelson-nist - 2