This repo contains our code for replicating all our experiments. We have provided a new package called VQ-MPT, an independent code base to generate the sampling distributions using VQ-MPT.

For more details on the paper, visit our website

Model Training

To train stage 1, you can run train_stage1_panda.py <args>. For more info about the arguments, run train_stage1_panda.py -h

To train stage 2, you can run python3 train_stage2.py <args>. For more info about the arguments, run train_stag2.py -h

Training Timings

We trained all our models on a system with AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X CPU with an RTX 3090 GPU. To train Stage 1 of the model, it took 1 hr for the 2D and 7D models and 2.7 hrs for the 14D model. Training Stage 2 took 2 hrs, 3.5 hrs, and 3.6 hrs for the 2D, 7D, and 14D planners respectively.

Model weights will be uploaded in the future.