Projects and exercises for the latest Deep Learning ND program https://www.udacity.com/course/deep-learning-nanodegree--nd101
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- 2
kernel keeps dying
#403 opened by jagja - 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
Introduction to neural networks: 35. Notebook: Analyzing Student Data: error_term_formula solution
#409 opened by scmanjarrez - 0
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- 0
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Eval in https://github.com/udacity/deep-learning-v2-pytorch/blob/master/convolutional-neural-networks/mnist-mlp/mnist_mlp_solution_with_validation.ipynb
#399 opened by PavelAgurov - 1
RuntimeError: mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied (3584x7 and 25088x4096)
#396 opened by HamdiTarek - 1
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Notebooks Mismatch!!! Update on Github
#319 opened by PRPRIESLER - 0
[intro-to-pytorch-part7]Img load issue for help
#395 opened by LeonMac - 0
Udacity for deep learning
#346 opened by banknattaphat - 2
Validation loss does not decrease
#341 opened by rakshitraj - 1
Erreur Pendant le chargement Notebook
#334 opened by AminaF12 - 4
Solutions merged into exercise
#317 opened by jaintj95 - 0
- 1
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Cat_Dog_data folder (test and train) pictures in Intoduction to pytorch missing
#324 opened by Isha-Dave - 1
Strange log file
#329 opened by cfanatic - 1
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Broken link in project-dog notebook
#318 opened by JeffDuf - 1
Typo in project "sentiment-analysis-network", file: "Sentiment_Classification_Projects.ipynb"
#313 opened by JeffDuf - 0
minor issue on file I/O
#328 opened by ng572 - 2
Intro To Pytorch Download Issues
#316 opened by mitchjablonski - 2
Intro to Pytorch - Part 1 - Tensors in PyTorch (Exercises).ipynb has solutions
#312 opened by lurue101 - 1
Cycle Gan typo in Excercise Notebook
#275 opened by BorgPhysics - 1
- 0
Logical Error in CycleGAN_Solution.ipynb
#310 opened by ahmedag91 - 2
SentimentRNN object has no attribute 'parameters'
#254 opened by yashmukaty - 0
Unnecessary steps were introduced in forward pass step in Sentiment_RNN_Solution.ipynb
#298 opened by sahandilshan - 1
Part 8 - Transfer Learning
#295 opened by saikrishnadas - 1
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#296 opened by saikrishnadas - 1
A follow-up question about: Issue with dimension in last output of Discriminator structure in CycleGan notebook (#72)
#292 opened by ronnieqt - 1
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helper file missing at project-face-generation
#262 opened by ricoms - 1
Picture of Leaky ReLU is actually a picture of a ReLU
#278 opened by bfeeny - 2
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'helper'
#305 opened by jibmomoa - 1
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Wrong test loss and accuracy
#297 opened by saikrishnadas - 2
Not working
#273 opened by njuul - 1
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CycleGAN Error: One of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation
#300 opened by Tylersuard - 2
why multiply "number of examples in the current batch" when aggregating running loss
#302 opened by hopezh - 2
Bike project ix is deprecated
#308 opened by LiorRacer - 1
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Pandas IX indexer is deprecated
#256 opened by shaha-pratik