
Demo Error

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Dear Uezo,

Thank you very much for making such an interesting kit!

When I try to play the demos, e.g. DemoEcho scene, I ran into a strange error as follows:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
ChatdollKit.Model.ModelController.UpdateAnimation () (at Assets/ChatdollKit/Scripts/Model/ModelController.cs:400)
ChatdollKit.Model.ModelController.Update () (at Assets/ChatdollKit/Scripts/Model/ModelController.cs:103)

I have set up the animator in the Model Controller and used the dependencies as you instructed. What could go wrong?

uezo commented

Hi @royshan , thank you for reporting.
In short, this is a bug in animation lifecycle management.😞

Add the code below to EchoSkill for workaround.

private void Start()

Or, call modelController.Animate(animations) in Start() if you want to start with animations you like.

Thank you for your help! The bug is fixed. However, another one shows up as follows:

KeyNotFoundException: The given key 'Neutral' was not present in the dictionary.
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) (at <1c8569827291471e9db0dcd976e97952>:0)
ChatdollKit.Model.VRCFaceExpressionProxy.SetExpressionSmoothly (System.String name, System.Single value) (at Assets/ChatdollKit/Scripts/Model/VRCFaceExpressionProxy.cs:85)
ChatdollKit.Model.ModelController.UpdateFace () (at Assets/ChatdollKit/Scripts/Model/ModelController.cs:487)
ChatdollKit.Model.ModelController.Update () (at Assets/ChatdollKit/Scripts/Model/ModelController.cs:104)

I guess the problem is that a non-existing expression is used?

Although I have programming experience, I am new to Unity. Again, I need your advice.

uezo commented

Hi @royshan , I created another issue to discuss face expression 👉 #232
Basically you should configure the face named Neutral. However, even if Neutral is missing, this should not be handled as a critical error but as a warning.

Thank you very much for your prompt response!