
Primo Explore package for University of Oslo Library

Primary LanguageCSS

University of Oslo local package for Primo Explore

This is the University of Oslo local customization package for Primo Explore. It is to be used together with the Bibsys central customization package (which isn't published and documented openly).

What have we customized?

Current customizations

  • In PrmSearchAfterController, we move the footer defined in home_xx_xx.html to a new DOM location.

  • Some light style customization, see main.scss for details.

Former customizations

  • For one year we had a session logging service known as Slurp. This was used to produce data for the Dewey mapping project. We eventually removed it, both for the reason of the data minimization principle, but also due to the risk of it failing after an upgrade since it depended on many different directives. It would be much cleaner if the logging service could be self-sustained, but at the moment there isn't an open and documented API for Primo Explore apart from the directive hooks. Primo-expolore-dom is an interesting project trying to provide a simple domain object model, but at the moment it seems to depend on a lot of undocumented things that might change between Primo versions. Would be great if Ex Libris could support the project or provide something similar. See also this Ideas Exchange idea

  • In PrmSearchBarAfterController, we used to set the search input field to automatically get focus until Unit included that functionality in their central package.


  1. Clone the Primo development environment and install dependencies:

    git clone https://github.com/ExLibrisGroup/primo-explore-devenv.git
    cd primo-explore-devenv
    npm install
  2. Set PROXY_SERVER in gulp/config.js to this value:

    var PROXY_SERVER = 'https://bibsys-almaprimo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com:443';
  3. Download the central package from Primo Back Office (Primo Utilities > UI customization Package Manager) into primo-explore/custom and unzip it. Make sure the folder name is CENTRAL_PACKAGE. This contains the modifications from Bibsys. Open question: Do they version control it?

  4. Clone the UiO package into primo-explore/custom:

    git clone https://github.com/uio-library/primo-explore-uio.git primo-explore/custom/UIO

At this point, you should have both primo-explore/custom/CENTRAL_PACKAGE and primo-explore/custom/UIO.

Start the UI

We're using scss and browserify, so run

gulp run --view UIO --browserify --useScss

This builds

  • primo-explore/custom/UIO/css/custom1.css from primo-explore/custom/UIO/scss/main.scss

  • primo-explore/custom/UIO/js/custom.js from primo-explore/custom/UIO/js/main.js

Open in your browser. Note: Using localhost instead of may cause zero search results in Chrome (due to a CORS issue?)


  1. gulp run --view UIO --browserify --useScss (in the primo-explore-devenv directory) to make sure the js and css are updated.

  2. eslint js to check that files are ok-ish.

  3. gulp create-package and select the UIO package. This creates packages/UIO.zip.

  4. Log in to Oria back office

  5. Go to Primo Utilities > UI customization Package Manager

  6. Select View: UIO (not UBO)

  7. Upload using "Upload package forUBO" [sic] and make sure "inherit from central package" is checked.

  8. Click "Deploy"

Help and documentation


Random notes

q = angular.element(document.getElementsByTagName('prm-search-bar-after'))

Modern Angular guide: (Note: currently we're at Angular 1.6)




Watching changes in parent scope: $onChanges is generally not useful because it's only called when the whole object is reassigned, there is no deep checking for changes to elements inside the object. So in general we're left with $doCheck and $watch. Both are evaluated at every digest cycle, so we have to be careful about implementation to avoid degrading performance!

Suggested reading: