Bug when saving prefab
MarchenkoSI opened this issue · 2 comments
MarchenkoSI commented
The bug appears if you save the prefab on which the Hand Binder script is located. Unity starts trying to save it and is constantly updating. Also, this prefab is not always possible to remove from the project folder the first time.
Unity Plugin 5.0.0 / 5.1.0
Unity 2019.4.0f1 / 2020.3.23f1
- Create any object in any scene.
- Add a Hand Binder script to this object
- Save object as prefab
- Select a prefab in the project folder
ElliotPadfieldUL commented
Hello, thanks for reporting a bug.
For now, if you jump into the HandBinderEditor.cs and comment out line 106 //EditorUtility.SetDirty(target) this will fix the issue.
We will look into fixing this issue in the next release :)
MaxPalmer-UH commented
Fix is now in this commit: a2e1db9#diff-a235c2de4c3a2707585f7ea75ac49af94891baa715a0742b3f3ebcd47b4d12fb