
Suggestion Adding OpenXR Hand Interaction Profile

StephenHodgson opened this issue · 2 comments

First off, props to you guys for getting a more universal hand input implementation in OpenXR done before Unity.
We've been waiting on them since the introduction of the OpenXR package.

Just one small improvement and suggestion is to add an XRController implementation for the hands similar to how the HoloLens hand interaction profile is setup.

This would make detection of the hands fit within the new Unity Input System and give us the ability to listen for gestures similar to that HoloLens hand interaction profile input scheme.


Also is the source for UltraleapOpenXRUnity.dll also under MIT license?

I was hoping I could take a stab at contributing to this myself. We may have to add to the xr input subsystem to properly wire up inputs to the input system.

Hi Stephen, thanks for your suggestion!

While I chat to the team about this, as it is a suggestion, I will move it to the Discussions/Ideas section 🙂