- 0
Upgrade planned for DataTables v2.0.5?
#21 opened by watsondh - 0
Django 4.2 Compatibility
#20 opened by usman19953 - 0
Searching does not return correct results if search string includes period '.' for decimal values
#19 opened by watsondh - 0
Datatable version compatibility
#18 opened by JJMLMAO - 2
This will add column search
#13 opened by sh1man999 - 1
Use .get when retrieving from MultiValueDict
#15 opened by anson0949 - 1
Return choices label
#14 opened by vidz1979 - 1
How to deal with model property-functions
#12 opened by odoublewen - 1
"MultiValueDictKeyError 'iDisplayStart'" and "TypeError - __init__() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given errors"
#3 opened by lguariento - 0
Integration with django-filters
#10 opened by abedyngash - 6
Custom Data Display
#9 opened by abedyngash - 2
Silent errors make debugging difficult
#6 opened by odoublewen - 1
iTotalRecords is not being set correctly
#7 opened by odoublewen - 1
sorting is always by `id` if no filtering
#8 opened by odoublewen - 3
queryset with parameter
#5 opened by Printns - 2
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