Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration

For an overview of obtaining the intrinsic and extrinsic camera calibration parameters, generating an AruCo pattern, and constructing the calibration board, visit the UNCC Visionlab wiki.


Once your AruCo pattern is generated, and the board is constructed, install the calibrate_mocap_and_camera package:

git clone


This package depends upon:

  1. openni2_launch
  2. openni2_camera
  3. ar_sys
  4. image_pipeline
  5. ros_vrpn_client

For the XBOX One Kinect (kinectv2), two additional packages are required: 6. libfreenect2 7. iai_kinect2

For installation on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS using ROS Indigo, openni2_launch, openni2_camera, and ar_sys were available through the package manager:

sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-openni2-launch ros-indigo-openni2-camera ros-indigo-ar-sys

image_pipeline and ros_vrpn_client were cloned into the workspace's source folder.

git clone
git clone

If you are using the XBOX One Kinect, and you are using opencv 3, the package iai_kinect2 will not compile. You will need to compile against a different version of opencv. This can be accomplished by editing CMAKELists.txt in kinect2_bridge. Change:

find_package(OPENCV REQUIRED)


find_package(OPENCV 2.4.8)

Intrinsic Calibration

Intrinsic calibration refers to the estimation of the parameters intrinsic to the camera that affect the imaging process, such as focal length, image center, image sensor format, distortion, and skew.

For intrinsic calibration of the RGB camera, run the launch file calibrate_rgbd_rgb_cam.launch from the calibrate_mocap_and_camera package:

roslaunch calibrate_mocap_and_camera calibrate_rgbd_rgb_cam.launch

For intrinsic calibration of the IR camera, run the launch file calibrate_rgbd_ir_cam.launch from the calibrate_mocap_and_camera package:

roslaunch calibrate_mocap_and_camera calibrate_rgbd_ir_cam.launch

Note: Only RGB intrinsic calibration needs to be performed for extrinsic calibration.


  1. Rotate and shift the board in the camera's field of view until the progress bars for x, y, skew, and size are green.

  2. Once the bars are filled, the option to generate the intrinsic calibration parameters becomes available.

  3. Click Calibrate, and wait a moment for the process to complete. The output terminal should show the intrinsic parameters and the Save button should become highlighted.

  4. Click Save, a calibration package (.tar.gz) should be created that contains the images used in calibration as well as the intrinsic parameters in the form of a .yaml file.

  5. Click Commit, this will save a .yaml file with the intrinsic camera parameters in ~/.ros/camera_info by default.

Extrinsic Calibration

Extrinsic calibration refers to the estimation of the coordinate system transformations used to relate the world coordinate frame to the camera coordinate frame. Extrinsic parameters will consist of both a translation and rotation matrix.


  1. Connect the computer that will be running the calibration launch file to Pathfinder, and ensure the Motive software is connected with IP

  2. In Motive, open the project Motive Project 2015-12-09 09.37.25 AM.ttp.

  3. The rigid body for the AruCo calibration board should be recognized as tf_calib. Select the marker that will be used to calibrate the camera and create a rigid body from it named tf_cam.

Note: It may be beneficial to zero the camera's orientation in Motive while facing the board.

  1. Once rigid bodies are defined, modify the argument calibration_data_filename in the launch file board_moves_w_truth.launch to point to the file where you would like to store calibration transform data.

  2. Run the launch file "board_moves_w_truth.launch" from the package calibrate_mocap_and_camera.

roslaunch calibrate_mocap_and_camera board_moves_w_truth.launch


  1. Orient the the AruCo pattern as shown below and place in in the center of the camera's field of vision.

  2. Leave the board stationary, and slowly move the camera.

  3. Be sure to exercise all degrees of orientation and position while keeping the majority of the AruCo marker in view.

  4. Calibration should take ~1-2 minutes. When ample data has been captured, kill the node.

Processing Transform Data

The transform data must have outliers/discontinuities removed before being used to calculate extrinsic parameters. This data will be plotted and outliers removed manually.

A Matlab script will be used to plot transform data and determine outliers. If Matlab is not available, Ocatave can be used instead.

  1. Ensure Ocatve is installed:

     sudo apt-get install octave
  2. Add the Quaternion Getter function by saving the following code in a file with a .m extension:

  function R = qGetR( Qrotation )
  % qGetR: get a 3x3 rotation matrix
  % R = qGetR( Qrotation )
  % IN:
  %     Qrotation - quaternion describing rotation
  % OUT:
  %     R - rotation matrix
  % VERSION: 03.03.2012
  w = Qrotation( 1 );
  x = Qrotation( 2 );
  y = Qrotation( 3 );
  z = Qrotation( 4 );
  Rxx = 1 - 2*(y^2 + z^2);
  Rxy = 2*(x*y - z*w);
  Rxz = 2*(x*z + y*w);
  Ryx = 2*(x*y + z*w);
  Ryy = 1 - 2*(x^2 + z^2);
  Ryz = 2*(y*z - x*w );
  Rzx = 2*(x*z - y*w );
  Rzy = 2*(y*z + x*w );
  Rzz = 1 - 2 *(x^2 + y^2);
  R = [
      Rxx,    Rxy,    Rxz;
      Ryx,    Ryy,    Ryz;
      Rzx,    Rzy,    Rzz];
  1. Place this file in the same directory as the calib_analysis.m file, inside a folder called "quaternions".

  2. Edit the calib_analysis.m file, after addpath(quaternions), add the name of your transforms file without file extension and save.

  3. Edit the transforms file:

    • add the first line: tf_cam_to_rgb_optical_calibration_data = [
    • add the last line: ]
    • Save the file with a .m extension
  4. Run the calib_analysis.m script:

     octave --persist calib_analysis.m

    Plots for various pose parameters should appear.

  5. Investigate these plots and identify discontinuities as shown below.

  6. These discontinuities must be removed in order to achieve optimal extrinsic calibration. Determine the index of the discontinuity from the plot and comment out the corresponding line(s) in the transform data file.

  7. Save the transforms file and rerun calib_analysis.m.

    The discontinuity should now be removed. Repeat this process for all discontinuities.

  8. After removing all discontinuities and running calib_analysis.m once more, the extrinsic parameters can be found in the script output in the form of a translation vector and rotation matrix (quaternion).