2D spherical and Cartesian triangulation toolkit using tripack, stripack, srfpack and ssrfpack
Jupyter NotebookLGPL-3.0
- 0
Error in FORTRAN subroutine ARCINT
#113 opened by arbenede - 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
convert area to actual units
#106 opened by dialuser - 3
Test for permutation
#84 opened by brmather - 11
- 1
python3.9 release
#97 opened by jccurtis - 7
Python3.8 wheel not pushed to pypi for v2.1.0
#101 opened by jccurtis - 9
Pip install broken
#99 opened by rbeucher - 18
import issue when using underworld
#98 opened by NengLu - 0
documentation fixes
#96 opened by lmoresi - 0
Macos Runner has changed
#93 opened by lmoresi - 2
Fortran Routine Compilation Error
#91 opened by ledragna - 5
ImportError: DLL load failed ...
#90 opened by wordsworthgroup - 2
- 9
Repeated call of sTriangulation freezes
#85 opened by kitchenknif - 1
Separate spline tensions from mesh objects
#78 opened by brmather - 1
Voronoi diagram
#80 opened by brmather - 5
Stripy Import error
#74 opened by j-seuren - 1
Non-deterministic tests
#69 opened by lmoresi - 1
conda build should use local stripy
#68 opened by lmoresi - 7
- 12
ssrfpack unif function
#54 opened by kwagstyl - 3
What happened to the API docs?
#53 opened by brmather - 2
Links to notebooks are broken?
#51 opened by michaelaye - 23
[REVIEW] Compile documentation with Sphinx
#28 opened by santisoler - 7
gdal library is too complicated
#39 opened by lmoresi - 2
Just a quick question
#43 opened by rmmilewi - 10
pytest errors
#38 opened by rrenka - 2
[REVIEW] Litho1pt0 importation is being tested
#36 opened by santisoler - 7
[REVIEW] References on paper
#14 opened by santisoler - 2
[REVIEW] Missing community guidelines
#30 opened by santisoler - 5
- 1
[REVIEW] Missing dependencies for Notebooks
#24 opened by santisoler - 1
Cartesian mesh with unequal resolution
#33 opened by lmoresi - 13
- 4
- 4
[REVIEW] Lavavu examples not showing on binder
#25 opened by santisoler - 9
- 6
[REVIEW] Installation
#17 opened by santisoler - 5
[REVIEW] Branching and Versioning
#16 opened by santisoler - 3
[REVIEW] License
#15 opened by santisoler - 5
README and tests warnings
#23 opened by rrenka - 2
[REVIEW] python tests are broken / unhelpful
#21 opened by lmoresi - 1
- 1