RELLIS Off-road Odometry Analysis Dataset

ROOAD: RELLIS Off-road Odometry Analysis Dataset

George Chustz1 and Srikanth Saripalli1

1. Texas A&M University;

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Warthog in Ruts


9/15/2021 Initial release


Localization is one of the fundamental problems in robotics. Visual Inertial Odometry is a set of algorithms which attempt to estimate the position and orientation of a subject using only camera(s) and an inertial measurement unit (IMU). We release the RELLIS Off-road Odometry Analysis Dataset to fill a void in available VIO datasets to provide high-quality, accurately time stamped off-road traversal data sequences for VIO researchers and developers. Across our data sequences, there is over 20,000 images, 250,000 IMU readings, and 6,000 RTK + heading measurements.

Data Collection Platform

Clearpath Robotics Warthog

Sensor Suite

Sensor Locations Dimensions in cm.


Data included in raw ROS bagfiles:

Topic Name Message Type Message Descriptison
/pylon_camera_node/image_raw sensor_msgs/Image Images from the Basler Pylon Camera
/vectornav/IMU sensor_msgs/Imu Imu data from VectorNav-VN300
/UBX/hpposllh ubxtranslator/hpposllh GPS data from the ground truth RTK GPS
/UBX/relpos2D ubxtranslator/relpos2D

Map of Paths from Ground Truth RTK GPS Co-ordinates

ROS BAG file, ground truth, and calibration results download links:

Dataset Bag Result/Ground truth
rt4_calib Bag Download [6GB] Kalibr Results TXT
rt4_gravel Bag Download [8GB] Ground Truth CSV
rt4_rim Bag Download [5GB] Ground Truth CSV
rt4_updown Bag Download [12GB] Ground Truth CSV
rt5_calib Bag Download [6GB] Kalibr Results TXT
rt5_gravel Bag Download [7GB] Ground Truth CSV
rt5_rim Bag Download [5GB] Ground Truth CSV
rt5_updown Bag Download [10GB] Ground Truth CSV

VIO Evaluation

To complement our data contribution, we have also evaluated two leading VIO implementations on our datasets, OpenVINS and VINS-Fusion. Their estimated trajectories and videos of their performances can be found below.


RT5 Gravel


rt5 gravel ov rt5 gravel ov vid


rt5 gravel vf rt5 gravel vf vid

RT5 Rim


rt5 rim ov rt5 rim ov vid


rt5 rim vf rt5 rim vf vid

RT5 Updown


rt5 updown ov rt5 updown ov vid


rt5 updown vf rt5 updown vf vid

Kalibr Evaluation Dataset

In order to determine the efficacy of Kalibr's extrinsics calibration tool, we collected an additional 11 ROS bags of camera-IMU extrinsic calibration motion.

  • Calibration Datasets Download 38GB
  • The IMU, camera, and target parameters are given here.

Cite Us

      title={ROOAD: RELLIS Off-road Odometry Analysis Dataset}, 
      author={George Chustz and Srikanth Saripalli},      


All datasets and code on this page are copyright by us and published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License.

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