
Depth on UE4.25 is very incorrect

half-potato opened this issue · 5 comments

  • Operating System: Windows
  • UE4 Version: 4.25
  • UnrealCV Version: Branch 4.25
  • Client (python2, 3 or matlab): python3
  • Problem Description: Depth is incorrect/always the same.
    The depth is always as if the camera is taking the depth from inside a ball. The only solution I've found is to use 4.24, which seems to be the version with working depth and color.

Haven't experienced your problem, but it might be that images are being taken from the default camera actor which is just a ball. I had a related problem that was solved by using the fusion camera actor in UE.
Check out this thread. The problems seem unrelated, but the solution should be the same.

But I can't find fusion camera actor in my UE 4.25, do you know why ?

@Buffyqsf Have you correctly installed UnrealCV in your Editor?
Maybe you can try the new commands to check it. For example, run vget /cameras to list all the cameras in the scene, and vset /objects/spawn FusionCameraActor Cam_1 to create a new Fusion Camera Actor named Cam_1.

@zfw1226 Actually I didn't installed UnrealCV in UE 4.25 successfully, there's a lot of mistakes when I built. I only get UnrealCV 0.3.10 in UE 4.16. Maybe this commands can't work on that, but thank you anyway, I'll try to install a higher version later when I have time.

@Buffyqsf You can try our newest branch 4.27-stable and the client v1.0.1. It should be easily installed on Windows and Linux.