
A drinks serving robot.

Primary LanguagePython



apt-get install ros-groovy-joystick-drivers
apt-get install ros-groovy-openni-launch
apt-get install jpnevulator
apt-get install festival

svn checkout http://wu-robotics.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/rwi/b21_teleop
svn checkout http://wu-robotics.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/rwi/rflex
svn checkout http://wu-robotics.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/wu_ptu/ #(ptu46/ptu_action_server.py must be made executable)
git clone https://github.com/hawesie/laser_drivers.git
git clone https://github.com/barcuk/common.git


In separate terminals, run:

rosrun butler 1.sh
rosrun butler 2.sh

Then press ctrl+c on both.

Unplug and replug the Xtion's USB cable else it will not start.


The main launch file including drivers and core programs:

roslaunch butler butler.launch n:=x

Where x is the number of QR markers

Navigation in the lab and area outside:

roslaunch butler lg.launch

Queueing and crowd navigation:

roslaunch butler queue.launch

This will only accept goals sent throught the QR system, as detailed below.


Goals can be added to the queue either by scanning the relevant QR code (not currently working due to a server change) or by running:

rostopic pub /qr\_markers/goal std\_msgs/Int32 x

Where x is the marker number.


  • The Rflex system doesn't power up

    • Kill power to the robot and start it up again, making sure that the screen powers up before you turn the computers on.
  • The laser doesn't work

    • Unplug the laser power connector and reconnect it, then relaunch butler.launch
    • This can happen if the laser driver has previously not closed properly, but also occasionally happens randomly.
  • The PTU doesn't work

    • Turn the switch on the PTU control box off and back on, then relaunch butler.launch
    • This appears to happen randomly
  • The costmaps don't clear properly

    • Relaunch lg.launch
    • This often happens on the first time that move_base is run on a new roscore
  • queue.launch fails to find an initial plan when one should be available

    • The costmaps likely aren't clearing properly. Relaunch queue.launch
  • The computers turn off but Rflex stays on

    • The batteries need charging
  • The robot loses all power

    • One of the batteries is probably loose, and the others need charging. Check that all four batteries are fully pushed in.
  • The robot has been on charge but quickly loses all power

    • One of the batteries is probably loose, and so it failed to charge.