
More than 3 cameras in the system !

sooroosh opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, Can anyone suggest how to change the number of cameras in the system to 4 ?
I have changed:
CameraSystem.nrCams in the MultiCamSys_Calibration.yaml to 4 and added the parameters for the 4th camera.
Added InteriorOrientationFisheye3.yaml for the 4th camera.
put the images for the 4tch camera in cam3 directory of the dataset and changed images_and_timestamps.txt respectively.
changed the following lines in the mult_col_slam_lafida.cpp :
line 173 to:
line 188 till 200:

			string pathimg1, pathimg2, pathimg3,pathimg4;
			if (!(iss >> timestamp >> pathimg1 >> pathimg2 >> pathimg3 >> pathimg4))
			vstrImageFilenames[0].push_back(path2imgs + '/' + pathimg1);
			vstrImageFilenames[1].push_back(path2imgs + '/' + pathimg2);
			vstrImageFilenames[2].push_back(path2imgs + '/' + pathimg3);
			vstrImageFilenames[3].push_back(path2imgs + '/' + pathimg4);


However, when I run the program I get a segmentation fault error. what am I missing here ?