
On-policy RL stabilized with KL-loss

Primary LanguageC++

Fixup Policy Optimization (FixPO)

This repo contains the code for "Guaranteed Trust Region Optimization via Two-Phase KL Penalization".

It implements an efficient trust region optimization algorithm, FixPO.

Setup Instructions

Install Python >=3.8

Install Python's poetry dependency manager:

curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -

Install Mujoco 2.1:

mkdir -p $HOME/.mujoco && \
curl -O https://mujoco.org/download/mujoco210-linux-x86_64.tar.gz && \
tar xf mujoco210-linux-x86_64.tar.gz --directory $HOME/.mujoco

echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/.mujoco/mujoco210/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Install dependencies:

pip install --upgrade --user pip
poetry install

Alternatively, use install.sh.

There are subdirectories containing tianshou v0.5.0, Meta-World v2.0.0, and trust-region-layers in this repo that are patched to be compatible with each other. See patches if you would like to apply these changes yourself.

Most experiments are listed in exps_tianshou.py and use code in src.

To run those experiments:

poetry run doexp exps_tianshou.py

File Overview

exps_tianshou.py: Defines all of the experiments to run that use tianshou.

exps_trust_region_layers.py: Defines all of the experiments to run that use trust_region_layers.

doexp: Runs all experiments defined in exps.py

src/fixpo_tianshou.py: Main algorithm code.

src/mujoco_fixpo_tianshou.py: Launcher for FixPO with Gym environments.

src/metaworld_fixpo_tianshou.py: Launcher for FixPO with Meta-World environments.

src/mujoco_ppo_tianshou.py: Launcher for PPO with Gym environments.

src/mujoco_trpo_tianshou.py: Launcher for TRPO with Gym environments.

src/metaworld_ppo_tianshou.py: Launcher for PPO with Meta-World environments.

src/metaworld_utils.py: Helper function for setting up Meta-World environments.

src/metaworld_env_tianshou.py: Helper function for setting up Meta-World environments.

patches/tianshou.patch: Patch to Tianshou v0.5.0 that allows running Meta-World experiments.

patches/metaworld.patch: Patch to Meta-World v2.0.0 that allows running Meta-World experiments.

patches/trust_region_layers.patch: Patch to trust_region_layers that allows running Meta-World experiments.

patches/mujoco_kl_config.json: Base config to use the KL projection proposed in trust_region_layers.


If you use this code in your research, please cite:

  title={Guaranteed Trust Region Optimization via Two-Phase KL Penalization},
  author={K. R. Zentner and Ujjwal Puri and Zhehui Huang and Gaurav S. Sukhatme},