
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

GAMMA: Graspability-Aware Mobile MAnipulation Policy Learning based on Online Grasping Pose Fusion

ICRA 2024

This is the official repository of GAMMA: Graspability-Aware Mobile MAnipulation Policy Learning based on Online Grasping Pose Fusion.

For more information, please visit our project page.


  1. Clone this repo

    git clone https://github.com/user432/gamma.git
  2. Preparing conda env

    # We require python>=3.9 and cmake>=3.14
    conda create -n gamma python=3.9 cmake=3.14.0
    conda activate gamma
    # install habitat-sim
    conda install habitat-sim=0.2.5 withbullet -c conda-forge -c aihabitat
    # install habitat-lab
    pip install -e habitat-lab
    # install habitat-baselines
    pip install -e habitat-baselines
    pip install -U git+https://github.com/NVIDIA/MinkowskiEngine --no-deps
    cd GLtreeAPI/
    pip install -e .
    cd ../graspness_implementation/graspnessAPI
    cd pointnet2_pytorch/pointnet2_ops_lib/
    pip install -e .
    cd ../../knn
    pip install -e .
    cd ../graspnetAPI
    pip install -e .
    cd ..
    pip install -e .
  3. Scene datasets

    # ReplicaCAD dataset
    python -m habitat_sim.utils.datasets_download --uids replica_cad_dataset
    # YCB dataset
    python -m habitat_sim.utils.datasets_download --uids ycb 
  4. GSNet pre-trained model

    Download the model from this link and place it in graspness_implementation/data/

  5. Training and Evaluation

    # Training command
    python -u -m habitat_baselines.run \
    # Evaluate your trained model ("eval_ckpt_path_dir" must be changed in the config)
    python -u -m habitat_baselines.run \
       --config-name=rearrange/rearrange_w_grasping.yaml \

Debugging an environment issue

Our vectorized environments are very fast, but they are not very verbose. When using VectorEnv some errors may be silenced, resulting in process hanging or multiprocessing errors that are hard to interpret. We recommend setting the environment variable HABITAT_ENV_DEBUG to 1 when debugging (export HABITAT_ENV_DEBUG=1) as this will use the slower, but more verbose ThreadedVectorEnv class. Do not forget to reset HABITAT_ENV_DEBUG (unset HABITAT_ENV_DEBUG) when you are done debugging since VectorEnv is much faster than ThreadedVectorEnv.


Common task and episode datasets used with Habitat-Lab.

Please download the Rearrange Pick ReplicaCAD episode dataset and change its path accordingly in habitat-baselines/habitat_baselines/config/rearrange/rearrange_w_grasping.yaml


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

    title={GAMMA: Graspability-Aware Mobile MAnipulation Policy Learning based on Online Grasping Pose Fusion},
    author={Jiazhao Zhang and Nandiraju Gireesh and Jilong Wang and Xiaomeng Fang and Chaoyi Xu and Weiguang Chen and Liu Dai and He Wang},


This work and the dataset are licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.

CC BY-NC 4.0


If you have any questions, please open a github issue or contact us:

Jiazhao Zhang: zhngjizh@gmail.com

Gireesh Nandiraju: f20170720h@alumni.bits-pilani.ac.in

He Wang: hewang@pku.edu.cn