UT IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Website

This is the website for the UT Austin IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. You can view the site at ras.ece.utexas.edu.

This site was built using the ReactJS framework using the Vite frontend tool for development.


Make sure you have the npm package manager installed on your machine. It can usually be installed by your operating system's package manager.


Run the following commands in your terminal: git clone git@github.com:DhruvNistala/ras_site.git cd ras_site npm install This will load the repository and install all of the required Node packages.

Running a local server:

Run npm run dev in your terminal to activate the live server and navigate to http://localhost:5173/ in your browser to view the site.

Deploying your changes:

Run ./deploy.sh in your terminal. When prompted, enter your UT EID. Alternatively, run echo [your_ut_eid] | ./deploy.sh if you don't want to wait for the prompt.