
Do sound localization in ROS using a variety of sensors (Kinect, PSeye, microcone...) via HARK

Primary LanguageGroff

hark sound localization

Based on the hark tools for sound localization and the demo for the turtlebot.

Instructions on how this was brought back to life can be found in pr2_audio_loc.md, they are more related to Ubuntu 12.04.

Instructions on how to install the dependencies can be found at the start of new_microphone.md.

This has been tested on:

  • Ubuntu 12.04 64b on PR2 with a Kinect (old one) (ROS Hydro). Watch it working.
  • Ubuntu 14.04 64b with PSeye (ROS Indigo).
  • Ubuntu 14.04 64b with microcone (ROS Indigo).

Run it

For the PR2 Kinect, you'll need to enable the Kinect as an audio device first, follow this instructions. Then you can just run:

roslaunch hark_sound_source_localization pr2_kinect.launch

You'll find the topic /hark_source of type hark_msgs/HarkSource reporting where the audio comes from at 120Hz~ with messages looking like:

  seq: 7049
    secs: 1480557477
    nsecs: 563368941
  frame_id: HarkRosFrameID
count: 7049
exist_src_num: 1
    id: 15
    power: 38.3558311462
    x: 0.615999996662
    y: 0.73400002718
    z: 0.287000000477
    azimuth: 49.9953804016
    elevation: 16.67345047

The power field relates to the volume of the heard noise and the azimuth represents the angle where the audio came from.

For the PSeye launch:

roslaunch hark_sound_source_localization pseye.launch 

For the microcone launch:

roslaunch hark_sound_source_localization microcone.launch

Change parameters

If you need to change the device used you need to edit the file localization_ROS_pseye.sh.

Change the line DEVICE=plughw:1,0 to whatever suits you. You may use arecord -L to help find your device. If you need more than one device accesing at the microphone at the same time you can follow these instructions.

If you want to change the minimum power threshold on when localization (and tracking) happens you'll need to edit localization_ROS_pseye.n, modify this line:

      <Parameter name="THRESH" type="float" value="35" description="Power threshold for localization results. A localization result with higher power than THRESH is tracked, otherwise ignored."/>

To change the range of the angle where localization occurs (both the kinect and the pseye have been trained their transfer functions for 360 degrees) modify the lines:

      <Parameter name="MIN_DEG" type="int" value="-90" description="Minimum source direction to localize in degree. [default: -180]"/>
      <Parameter name="MAX_DEG" type="int" value="90" description="Maximum source direction to localize in degree. [default: 180]"/>

I don't recommend it tho.

I have another microphone, and I want to localize audio source with it!

First check if it supported in HARK supported hardware list, as of writing this, they support:

  • TAMAGO-01
  • RASP-24
  • Kinect
  • Xbox One Kinect (Kinect v2)
  • PlayStation Eye
  • Microcone
  • Kurage-kun

Well... if you have different hardware and you want to use it for this same purpose then you'll need to create a transfer function for it.

Video tutorial of what this is about.

Video tutorial of using harktool4 to generate the files.

Then use harktoolcli-conv-tf as harktoolcli-conv-tf -l loc_tf.dat -s sep_tf.dat -o transfer.zip.

You may find some extra notes I wrote in new_microphone.md.