
Tagging System for Laravel

Primary LanguagePHP


Tagging system for Laravel.


  • arbitrary models: tags can be attached to any Eloquent Model.
  • nested tags: a tag can also be tagged, allowing hierarchical structures.
  • context aware: multiple tags with the same label can be created for different contexts.
  • non intrusive: a resource can be tagged without any modification to its classes or DB tables.
  • handy API: handy API to add/set/get/delete tags to a model, and to fetch models by their tags.


Install using composer:

composer require uwla/ltags

Publish the ACL table migrations:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Uwla\Ltags\TagServiceProvider"

Run the migrations:

php artisan migrate


Here we will explain how to use this package. A demo app is also available on uwla/ltags-demo01 to show an example of use case.


Create tag:

use Uwla\Ltags\Models\Tag;

// create single tag
$tag = Tag::createOne('foo');           // shorter way
$tag = Tag::create(['name' => 'foo']);  // default way to create Eloqquent models

// create multiple tags tag
$tags = Tag::createMany(['foo', 'bar', 'zoo']); // Eloquent is way more verbose

Get tag:

$tag = Tag::findByName('foo');  // get single tag
$tags = Tag::findByName(['foo', 'bar', 'zoo']); // get many tags

Delete tag or tags by name:

// delete a tag by name
Tag::delByName('foo');                  // delete single tag
Tag::delByName(['foo', 'bar', 'zoo']);  // delete multiple tags

// The method above only works for string and string arrays.
// If you have a Eloquent model or collection and want to delete it or them,
// do the following:

To update a tag or tags, use Eloquent's update method, as provided by Laravel's documentation. This package provides alternative ways to create, fetch and delete tags via their names just to make it more convenient and less verbose, but when it comes to updating tags Laravel's interface is straightforward and we cannot make it less verbose.

Tagged Models

Any model can be tagged. The only thing needed is to add the Taggable trait:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Uwla\Ltags\Trait\Taggable

class Post extends Model
    use Taggable;   // just add this

    // more code...

We are going to use a Post model as an example of an application for user's posts, but it could be any model to be tagged including the user itself!

To add a tag or tags to a model:

// add single tag, which is Eloquent
$tag = Tag::createOne('public');

// add single tag by its name, no need to for you to fetch it first

// add tags
$tags = Tag::all();

// add tags by name
$post->addTag(['php', 'laravel', 'composer']);

// add a tag or tags to multiple models at once
// (the second argument must be an Eloquent Collection of the model)
Post::addTagsTo($tags, $posts);           // tags can be am Eloquent Collection
Post::addTagsTo(['html', 'css'], $posts); // tags can be an array of strings too
Post::addTagTo('php', $posts);            // to pass a single tag, call addTagTo
                                          // instead of addTagsTo (shorter syntax)

To get a model's tags:

// get all tags
$tags = $post->getTags();

// you specify the depth of the search to get nested tags
// that is, if a post has a tag and that tag has another tag,
// you will get the parent tag as well.
$depth = 4;
$tags = $post->getTags($depth);

// get tags matching a regex
// (in this case, any tag whose name is made up of two words)
$tags = $post->getTagsMatching('/\W \W/');

// again, the depth of the search can be specified
$tags = $post->getTagsMatching('/\W \W/', $depth);

To check if a model has a tag or tags:

// check if has a single tag
$post->hasTag($tag);        // Eloquent model
$post->hasTag('public');    // name string

// check if has all provided tags
$post->hasTags($tags);              // Eloquent collection
$post->hasTags(['foo', 'bar']);     // name string

// check if it has any of the provided tags
$post->hasAnyTags($tags);              // Eloquent collection
$post->hasAnyTags(['foo', 'bar']);     // name string

// the depth of the search can also be provided
$depth = 3;
$post->hasTag($tag, $depth);
$post->hasTags($tags, $depth);
$post->hasAnyTags($tags, $depth);

To remove a tag or tags from a model:

// remove single tag, which is Eloquent
$tag = Tag::createByName('public');

// remove via tag name

// remove tags from Eloquent collection
$tags = $post->getTagsMatching('*www*');

// remove tags by name
$post->delTags(['php', 'laravel', 'composer']);

// remove all tags

// remove a tag or tags from multiple models at once
// (the second argument must be an Eloquent Collection of the model)
Post::delTagsFrom($tags, $posts);           // tags can be an Eloquent Collection
Post::delTagsFrom(['html', 'css'], $posts); // tags can be an array of strings
Post::delTagFrom('php', $posts);            // to pass a single tag you can call
                                            // delTagFrom instead of delTagsFrom

// remove all tags from the given models

To set the tags of a model:

// the set method basically removes all tags of the model
// and add the new ones, thus 'setting' its tags.
// It is syntax sugar.

To get the models along with their tags or with the name (only) of the tags:

// attach the tags to the given posts
$posts = Post::withTags($posts);
$posts = Post::withTagNames($posts);

// all posts
$posts = Post::withTags(Post::all());
$posts = Post::withTagNames(Post::all());

// posts that match a condition
$posts = Post::withTags(Post::where($condition)->get());
$posts = Post::withTagNames(Post::where($condition)->get());

In the second line of each example, only the name of the tag is attached to the model, not the tag itself (which is an instance of Tag).

In the example above, each model will have a new attribute called tags, which is a Collection of the model's directed tags (that is, nested tags are not included). You can then apply other operations on top of the tags by using Laravel's Collection handy methods, such as map, pluck, filter, etc.

To get the models tagged by a tag, or tags:

// by a single tag
$posts = Post::taggedBy($tag);      // Eloquent model
$posts = Post::taggedBy('public');  // name string

// posts tagged by at least one of the given tags
$posts = Post::taggedBy($tags);               // Eloquent collection
$posts = Post::taggedBy(['php', 'laravel']);  // array of strings

// you can provide the depth of the search in the second argument
// default depth is 1
$posts = Post::taggedBy($tags, 3);

// it is possible to specify the namespace (explained in the next section)
$posts = Post::taggedBy($tags, 1, 'posts');
$posts = Post::taggedBy($tags, namespace: 'posts'); // named arguments syntax

In the example above, taggedBy will give you all models that are tagged by at least one of the provided tags. If you want the models to be tagged by all the tags, then use taggedByAll static method, which has the exact same syntax as taggedBy (in other words, the expected parameters are the same).

Notice: The taggedByAll needs to check if all are matched, while taggedBy only needs to check one; thus, the taggedByAll may be come slow if you are using a relational database and are trying to fetch models tagged by many tags with a high depth value. A graph database is more suitable in this case. But for most applications this won't be a problem even if the depth is, let's say, equal to five or six.


There can be multiple tags with different namespaces (aka, contexts).

For example, the developer may want a "top" tag for posts and a "top" tag for videos (although I personally think it is good enough to have just one "top" tag for both posts and video as long as the developers take proper care).

Another example, there could be a tag "free" for the context of payments and a tag "free" in the context of Free Software, in which it means "freedom".

Ultimately, it is up to the developers to decide if namespaces are needed, since they are the ones who know the application requirements.

Let's see how to use them. To create, find or delete a tag for a particular namespace:

// just add the namespace as the second parameter
$namespace = 'posts';

// create the tags
$tag = Tag::createOne($name, $namespace);    // one tag
$tags = Tag::createMany($names, $namespace); // multiple tags

// find the tags
$tag = Tag::findByName($name, $namespace); // one tag
$tags = Tag::findByName($names, $namespace); // multiple tags

// delete the tags
Tag::delByName($name, $namespace);  // one tag
Tag::delByName($names, $namespace); // multiple tags

When the getTags and hasTags methods are called, they will use the namespace obtained by calling getTagNamespace, which by default is null. You could use a static namespace for a given model or a dynamic one.

Here is an example of a static (aka, does not change) tag namespace:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Uwla\Ltags\Trait\Taggable

class Post extends Model
    use Taggable;   // just add this

    // override method
    public function getTagNamespace()
        return 'posts';

Now, an example of a dynamic one:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Uwla\Ltags\Trait\Taggable

class Post extends Model
    use Taggable;   // just add this

    public $tagNamespace = 'posts';

    // override method
    public function getTagNamespace()
        return $this->tagNamespace;

Which you can then change in real time:

$tag1 = Tag::createOne('public', 'bar'); // bar namespace
$tag2 = Tag::createOne('public', 'foo'); // foo namespace

$post->tagNamespace = 'bar';    // set namespace to 'bar'
$post->addTag('public');        // adds $tag1
$post->tagNamespace = 'foo';    // set namespace to 'foo'
$post->hasTag('public');        // returns false, since the namespace is 'foo'
$post->hasTag($tag);            // returns true, since the model was provided
$post->addTag('public');        // adds $tag2
$post->tagNamespace = 'bar';    // set namespace to 'bar'
$post->delTag('public');        // deletes $tag1
$post->tagNamespace = 'foo';    // set namespace to 'foo'
$post->hasTag('public');        // returns true, since the namespace is 'foo'

The namespace will only affect the methods to which were passed string names as arguments because the tags associated with those names needed to be fetched behind the scenes. If a Eloquent model or a Eloquent collection is passed as a argument, the namespace will have no effect because the Eloquent models already have the tag ids which uniquely identify the tags.

Custom Tag Model

You can use your custom variant for the Tag model instead of the default one, which is Uwla\Ltags\Models\Tag.


namespace App\Models;

use Uwla\Ltags\Models\Tag as BaseTag;

class Tag extends BaseTag
    // disable timestamps, if you want
    $timestamps = false;

    // maybe you changed the table name..
    $table = 'tag';

In order for the Taggable trait to use your tag instead of the default one, you can override its method getTagClass as follow:

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Uwla\Ltags\Trait\Taggable;
use App\Models\Tag;

class Post extends Model
    use Taggable;

    protected static function getTagClass()
        return Tag::class;

Instead of doing that for every model, you could have your custom Taggable trait as well:


namespace App\Traits;

use Uwla\Ltags\Trait\Taggable as BaseTaggable
use App\Models\Tag;

class Taggable extends BaseTaggable
    protected static function getTagClass()
        return Tag::class;

Then, use App\Traits\Taggable instead of Uwla\Ltags\Traits\Taggable.


Besides using tags to organize and search content such as videos or articles, there are several ways in which tags can be quite handy. Let's explore them.

Suppose you have an applications with posts, some of them public. In your Laravel PostPolicy, you could do the following to check if a user is allowed to view a particular post:


 * Determine whether the user can view the post
 * @param  App\User  $user
 * @param  App\Post  $post
 * @return \Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response|bool
public function view(User $user, Post $post)
    // any user can view a public post
    if ($post->hasTag('public'))
        return true;

    // user can view a private post if he is the post owner
    // the "traditional" way is to put a `user_id` column in the posts table
    // but of course there are better ways to do this.
    return $post->user_id == $user->id;

In the example above, we avoid having to add a is_public column to the posts table.

Another example is using tags to tag users based on their roles. Some applications just add a role column to the users table, then they would check user->role. But this creates an additional column. If you don't need a sophisticated Access Control System, but need only a simple way to categorize users based on roles, you could simply add tags to the user.

// instead of
if ($user->role == 'admin')
    // do stuff
// or maybe
if ($user->role == 'vip')
    // allow vip content

// you could do the following
if ($user->hasTag('admin'))
    // do stuff
// or maybe
if ($user->hasTag('vip'))
    // allow vip content

Other example is an application that promotes programming contests, which may have their visibility as public or private, their status as running or expired, and so on. Instead of adding several columns in the contests table, the developers may choose to use tags as an additional source of information about the contests. Of course, whether it is a good decision or not is up to the developers to figure out for their particular case.

These are just three simple examples. The possibilities are limited only by the developer's imagination. Tags can be adapted to any context which has resources that can be grouped by some criteria, any context which deals with clusters.


Contributions are welcome. Fork the repository and make a PR.


Open an issue on this package repository on GitHub. I will be glad to help.