
How to run eklt in real time

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Thank you for releasing the code, which taught me a lot.
I've followed the guide and run
roslaunch eklt eklt.launch tracks_file_txt:=/tmp/eklt_example/tracks.txt v:=1
rosbag play /tmp/eklt_example/boxes_6dof.bag.
But I found that the running speed seemed very low: when the rosbag playing ended, the tracking and displaying algorithm was still running for a very long time, which seems not consistent with your video on Youtube.
Could you tell me how to speed up the running process, and how to run eklt in real time? Is it possible to change some configurations, or simply stop displaying?
Thank you.

@StancyMiller in the past year we tried to speed up the algorithm using a multithreading approach. It does not run real-time, but you can obtain an improvement of about ~6.5x on a Ryzen 5. Here's our work: