
If you use bloom to release catkin packages into a rosdistro other than the public one, you've probably come across a situation like this one, where the package you want to build depends on a package in the public rosdistro, and bloom doesn't know how to resolve the rosdep key, since you've changed ROSDISTRO_INDEX_URL.

Enter rosdep-generator, which parses the rosdistro file, and dumps a rosdep-formatted yaml into the current directory:

$ ./rosdep-generator --distro indigo
Parsing 250264 bytes of yaml.
Extracting package names.
Assembling output yaml structure.
Outputting: ros-rosdistro-indigo.yaml
Complete. Suggested next steps:

    sudo sh -c 'echo "yaml file:///Users/mikepurvis/rosdep-generator/ros-rosdistro-indigo.yaml indigo" > /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d/90-ros-rosdistro-indigo.list'
    rosdep update

Execute the next steps to make rosdep aware of the public packages, then run:

$ bloom-release -r indigo -t indigo my_secrete_package

Bloom will find your dependencies now.