
Calculating the mechanical work performed during split-belt walking.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Calculating the mechanical work performed during split-belt walking.

SplitBelt_ILM.m is the main code that estimates the mechanical work done when walking on a split-belt treadmill. We use this code in our study: Sanchaz et. al. 2019 (https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1113/JP277725). It calculates mechanical work using an extension of the Individual Limbs Method that is presented in Donelan et. al. 2002. To test run this code, we have made available data from two participants here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lY_a6zeV-Ad4KhOwYU1IRMmVkWSzrEdv/view?usp=sharing. The main folder is called TestDataForGitHubCode and it contains two folders - one for each particiapnt. When running the code, you will be asked to select the folder that contains the folders for each participant data. So, make sure to download the TestDataForGitHubCode folder, and not just the individual participant data folders.

This repository also contains three functions that can be used to debug or verify that the outputs make sense. All code are commented to explain the calculations, and the input and output variables. But there are a number of variables related to work whose names may be confusing. So, here is a list of only the work related variable names and what they represent. They may represent work or work rate depending on the structure in which they are stored. Note that the work (rate) done on the treadmill belts is always by the legs. But the work (rate) done on the centre of mass is through the legs but may be by the legs or the belt.

net: Total net work (rate) done by the legs
totpos: Total positive work (rate) done by the legs
totneg: Total negative work/work rate done by the legs
lpos: Total positive work /work rate done by the left leg
lneg: Total negative work/work rate done by the left leg
rpos: Total positive work/work rate done by the right leg
rneg: Total negative work/work rate done by the right leg

nettread: Total net work/work rate done on the belts
treadpos: Total positive work/work rate done on the belts
treadneg: Total negative work/work rate done on the belts
ltreadpos: Total positive work/work rate done on the left belt
ltreadneg: Total negative work/work rate done on the left belt
rtreadpos: Total positive work/work rate done on the right belt
rtreadneg: Total negative work/work rate done on the right belt

netcom: Total net work/work rate done on the centre of mass
compos: Total positive work /work rate done on the centre of mass
comneg: Total negative work/work rate done on the centre of mass
lcompos: Total positive work/work rate done on the centre of mass through the left leg
lcomneg: Total negative work/work rate done on the centre of mass through the left leg
rcompos: Total positive work/work rate done on the centre of mass through the right leg
rcomneg: Total negative work/work rate done on the centre of mass through the right leg