
Simulation of The Great Game of Britain board game, made in Unity.

Primary LanguageC#

The Great Game of Britain

This is our submission for our Group Project CS module. We were tasked to create a program that simulates a tabletop game, were we picked "The Great Game of Britain", apparently due to all being over the age of 80.

How It's Made ©

We chose to develop in the Unity game engine, because it's hella powerful. We subsequently realized that we're not all git wiz-kids and collaboration was becoming a chore, so decided to use Unity's in-house "Collab" tool, hence the lack of a decent commit history.

Basically we were staring at screens for a few months, and then with the big deadline looming decided to do the work—it even didn't turn out too bad. We all kinda wish we picked something more inspiring though 😬

The Team

We called oursolves Tower 16 due to being team #16 in the course, and something to do with towers I forgot.

  • Adilya—Project Lead & QA
  • Harman—Technical Lead & Developer
  • Taris—Developer & UI art
  • Matt—Developer
  • Sope—Developer & QA
  • Jack—Documentation & Blog
  • Alex—Developer
  • Chantay—Documentation
  • Aaron—Dropout

Did roles mean much in the end however...? 😉 😔 😯


Here's a list to appreciate what more could be added and make us feel bad, but now it's all over with we probably won't touch this again.

  • Working action cards.
  • Online multiplayer (hotsteat functionality is already there).
  • Interactive tutorial.
  • Probably need to fix a gazillion bugs.



Let's say No License for now 'til further notice 💔

Components were mostly made in house, but otherwise outside assets we used have their licenses inside the source code.