- 4
Utilizing phased BAM and phased VCF files generated by Pepper-Margin-DeepVariant as inputs
#27 opened by edeuse - 4
Modkit compatibility
#26 opened by weishwu - 1
- 3
hydroxymethylation results not right
#24 opened by weishwu - 1
- 2
Installing NanoMethPhase
#22 opened by olaraym - 11
About modification caller
#18 opened by weishwu - 7
Getting haplotype methylome
#19 opened by BeatrizFaustino - 5
About the results in dma
#21 opened by isnmn - 1
#20 opened by lanyunxin - 2
Stringency in the NanoMethPhase paper
#17 opened by weishwu - 5
phasing in blocks
#16 opened by weishwu - 4
Variant caller for non-human samples
#2 opened by PengNi - 3
- 7
bam2bis creates empty files
#12 opened by Marozi2 - 2
Reproduce Fig.4 a-b and Additional file 4.
#11 opened by liuyang2006 - 4
working with Guppy latest version
#10 opened by charliechen912ilovbash - 5
Cannot run phase TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
#9 opened by kir1to455 - 6
the index for measuring DMR
#8 opened by charliechen912ilovbash - 1
Cannot run phase TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
#6 opened by kseniadey - 9
- 4
- 6
How do you upload nanopore raw fast5 to EGA?
#4 opened by PanZiwei - 5
Does NanoMethPhase support Clair3?
#3 opened by PanZiwei - 4
VCF file 'Format' and 'Sample' columns
#1 opened by skambha6