
Code for the paper "Control Barriers in Bayesian Learning of System Dynamics"

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Control Barriers in Bayesian Learning of System Dynamics

Python package

Website Paper Capsule



  1. If you are using a Python virtual environment, edit setup.bash to point to the activate script of the virtual environment. One way to do that is:
python3_ver () 
    python3 -V 2>&1 | sed -e 's/.*3.\([0-9]\).*/py3\1/'
mkdir -p .tox/
virtualenv --python=python3 .tox/$(python3_ver)
  1. Install gurobi. Edit setup.bash to set GUROBI_LIB_PATH

  2. Activate environment and install current package in edit mode

source setup.bash
pip install -e .

Run tests


Unicycle demos

  1. To run experiment where unicycle with mean CBF collides with the obstacle run

    python -c 'from bayes_cbf.unicycle_move_to_pose import unicycle_mean_cbf_collides_obstacle; unicycle_mean_cbf_collides_obstacle()'

  2. To run experiment where unicycle with Bayes CBF drives safely between the obstacles

    python -c 'from bayes_cbf.unicycle_move_to_pose import unicycle_bayes_cbf_safe_obstacle; unicycle_bayes_cbf_safe_obstacle()'

  3. To run experiment where unicycle gets stuck without learning run

    python -c 'from bayes_cbf.unicycle_move_to_pose import unicycle_no_learning_gets_stuck; unicycle_no_learning_gets_stuck()'

  4. To run experiment where unicycle passes safely through obstacles due to learning run

    python -c 'from bayes_cbf.unicycle_move_to_pose import unicycle_learning_helps_avoid_getting_stuck; unicycle_learning_helps_avoid_getting_stuck()'

Pendulum demos

  1. To run pendulum example and compare MVGP with CoGP
from bayes_cbf.pendulum import learn_dynamics_matrix_vector
  1. To compare the computation requirement for MVGP vs CoGP vs diagonal
from bayes_cbf.pendulum import speed_test_matrix_vector

Please cite

  title = 	 {Probabilistic Safety Constraints for Learned High Relative Degree System Dynamics},
  author =       {Khojasteh, Mohammad Javad and Dhiman, Vikas and Franceschetti, Massimo and Atanasov, Nikolay},
  booktitle = 	 {Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control},
  pages = 	 {781--792},
  year = 	 {2020},
  editor = 	 {Bayen, Alexandre M. and Jadbabaie, Ali and Pappas, George and Parrilo, Pablo A. and Recht, Benjamin and Tomlin, Claire and Zeilinger, Melanie},
  volume = 	 {120},
  series = 	 {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
  month = 	 {10--11 Jun},
  publisher =    {PMLR},
  pdf = 	 {http://proceedings.mlr.press/v120/khojasteh20a/khojasteh20a.pdf},
  url = 	 {https://proceedings.mlr.press/v120/khojasteh20a.html}
  author={Dhiman, Vikas and Khojasteh, Mohammad Javad and Franceschetti, Massimo and Atanasov, Nikolay},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},
  title={Control Barriers in Bayesian Learning of System Dynamics},