This repository contains the MATLAB code for simulating covariance steering for stochastic linear systems using optimal and distributionally robust risk allocation.
Associated Paper: Venkatraman Renganathan, Joshua Pilipovsky, Panagiotis Tsoitras, Distributionally Robust Covariance Steering with Optimal Risk Allocation
, Submitted to the IEEE American Control Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 2023.
- Matlab
- Yalmip
- MOSEK solver
- To just run covariance steering with polytopic distributionally robust state risk constraints, run the matlab code
which will load the required system data and generate the desired plots. - To run covariance steering with iterative risk allocation for polytopic distributionally robust state risk constraints, run the matlab code
which will load the required system data and generate the desired plots. - For conic state risk constraints, run the matlab code
which will load the required system data and generate the desired plots.
* Set `riskSelectFlag = 1` in line `13` for running simulations with Gaussian chance constraints
* Set `riskSelectFlag = 2` in line `13` for running simulations with Distributionally Robust risk constraints
* Set `dynamicsSelectFlag = 1` in line `14` for running simulations with 3D spacecraft dynamics
* Set `dynamicsSelectFlag = 2` in line `14` for running simulations with Double Integrator dynamics
- Venkatraman Renganathan - Lund University
- Joshua Pilipovsky - Georgia Institute of Technology
- Panagiotis Tsoitras - Georgia Institute of Technology
- V. Renganathan's work has been supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No
834142 - Scalable Control
. - The work of the J. Pilipovsky and P. Tsoitras has been supported by
NASA University Leadership Initiative award 80NSSC20M0163
andONR award N00014-18-1-2828