
How to build these packages

  1. This is a catkin project, therefore you will need to create a catkin workspace to contain all the packages. Create a folder called catkin_ws and within it, a folder called src. Navigate to the catkin_ws directory. This can be done via the command line with the following commands:
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src  # Create catkin_ws and catkin_ws/src directories
cd catkin_ws
  1. You then need to clone this repository into the src directory of your catkin workspace. Make sure to execute this command from inside the top level of the workspace.
git clone src

The src folder of your catkin_ws should now contain all the packages in the repository.

  1. Finally, you can build your workspace with:
catkin_make              # Build all packages in the workspace
  1. Sourcing the catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash

Running this command will allow ROS to find your built packages. You will need to run this command each time you open a new terminal if you want ROS to find your packages. To avoid this, you can add that command to the end of your .bashrc and it will run automatically whenever you open a terminal.

  1. Run launch files
roslaunch [package_name] <launch file name>
  1. Find and print topics
rostopic list
rostopic echo [topic_name]
  1. Run rqt_graph

Notes on developing these packages

If you are working on a new version of a particular package, do it on a speparate branch! The master branch should always contain the latest working version of each package. Once your new version of a package is working and thoroughly tested, it can be merged into the master branch.