
Mapping locations (develop branch) doesn't seem to work

simonvh opened this issue · 2 comments

>>> from genomepy.annotation import Annotation
>>> a = Annotation("hg38")
>>> a.map_locations(a.bed, to="Ensembl").head()
  index  start    end               name  score strand  thickStart  thickEnd  itemRrgb  blockCount    blockSizes   blockStarts ensembl-name
0  chr1  17368  17436  ENST00000619216.1      0      -       17436     17436         0           1           68,            0,            1
1  chr1  29553  31097  ENST00000473358.1      0      +       31097     31097         0           3  486,104,122,  0,1010,1422,            1
2  chr1  30266  31109  ENST00000469289.1      0      +       31109     31109         0           2      401,134,        0,709,            1
3  chr1  30365  30503  ENST00000607096.1      0      +       30503     30503         0           1          138,            0,            1
4  chr1  34553  36081  ENST00000417324.1      0      -       36081     36081         0           3  621,205,361,   0,723,1167,            1

These are still chr names.

Oh! I now noticed that it is in the last column!
Shouldn't we replace the first column with the new name?

yea, looks like its indeed a bug.