
Network Error

ChaoXu1997 opened this issue · 1 comments

raise ConnectionError(err, request=request)
requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response',))

When I use the code with genomepy search zebrafish, I got this error
How can I solve it?

Hey ChaoXu,

genomepy downloads metadata from the genome providers. I think your error occurred during this step. Here are some options to try:

  • Your specific error suggests to me your internet connection was interrupted(?). That should be fixed by now*.
  • Sometimes, one of these providers is offline. If this was the case, the problem should be fixed by now*.
  • If that was not the issue, it could be that your server/network does not allow one of the connection types. Some providers use MySQL, some use FTP, some http and some https. This can often be fixed by using (a pc on) a different network, or by contacting your system admin.
  • If neither of these is the case, I'll need the full log (command + logging info + error traceback) and some additional info (version, OS, anything else I could use to reproduce the bug)

* if the command works, but returns no output, try genomepy clean, and run it again.