
Mitochondrial genome

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Trying to search for the mouse mitochondrial genome (Reference Sequence: NC_005089.1). It cannot find it, also tried with the ACCESSION AY172335. Any suggestions?

Its in the mouse genome, but renamed to MT!

You can download the whole genome and annotation with genomepy install --provider ncbi GRCm39 --annotation, or just the mitochondrial stuff with genomepy install --provider ncbi GRCm39 --regex MT --annotation.

The download folder also contains the assembly report that was used to rename sequences from "NC_1234" to "chr1", "MT", etc. In here, you can find the original names for the mitochondral sequence:

Sequence-Name  Sequence-Role       Assigned-Molecule  Assigned-Molecule-Location/Type  GenBank-Accn  Relationship  RefSeq-Accn  Assembly-Unit  Sequence-Length  UCSC-style-name
MT             assembled-molecule  MT                 Mitochondrion                    AY172335.1    =             NC_005089.1  non-nuclear    16299            chrM